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第三步,作计划付诸实施。Third, plan and execute.

我们将会怎样执行我们的测试?How will we execute our tests?

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进行消防演习并报告。Execute a fire drill and report.

执行测试用例并查看测试日志Execute test case and view test log

他已经证明了自己的执行力。He's proven he can execute already.

获取待执行的下一个字节码。Fetches the next bytecode to execute.

创建执行命令的逻辑。Create the logic to execute the command.

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接下来,执行用户级程序。Next, we execute the user-level program.

你必须就像戴了眼罩一样对周围的事务视而不见,坚定地去实行你的计划。You need to put blinders on and execute.

执行测试并分析测试日志Execute the test and examine the test log

只有这样才可以执行这条语句。Only then can you execute this statement.

你们教会我的罪恶,我都会施行。The villainy you teach me I will execute.

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但是他们具备执行他们的良好能力。But they were well-equipped to execute them.

如何贴一个临时安装文件?How to shell execute a tempory installer file?

这是一个超级简单的计算题。So it's a super-simple calculation to execute.

通过构建和执行查看数据绑定变化Build and execute to see the databinding changes

在代理服务器上执行这个装载操作。Execute this load operation on the proxy server.

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刺穿现在影响压制而非斩杀。Impale now affects Overpower instead of Execute.

每一项执行的选择函数。The selection function to execute for each item.

印度有那么高的楼来撞吗?Does India has skyscrapers to execute such plans?