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她继续说,这么说你是无业游民。She said "Oh! So you're unemployed."

我们对失业的朋友深表同情。We feel empathy for my unemployed friend.

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我待业真的已经有好长一段时间了。I have been unemployed a really long time.

目前约有1,390万美国人失业.About 13.9 million Americans are unemployed.

没有还早着呢我们…我们接吻了。No jobs. I'm still unemployed. We- We kissed.

对长期失业者来说,就会是大问题。The long-term unemployed are the major problem.

许多失业的美国人都在抓牢这个机会。Many unemployed Americans have already caught on.

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美国无业妇女苏尔曼一胎生了八个孩子。Surman, an American unemployed woman, at a birth.

假如你失业或工作不合适,请到约翰的办公室来。If you're unemployed or misemployed,come to John's.

今天,850000多名退伍军人仍然失业。Today, more than 850,000 veterans remain unemployed.

今天,超过85万退伍军人仍在失业。Today, more than 850,000 veterans remain unemployed.

酗酒问题在乌兰巴托的穷困和失业人口中猖獗泛滥。Alcoholism is rampant among UB's poor and unemployed.

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今天,有85万多退伍军人还处在失业之中。Today, more than 850, 000 veterans remain unemployed.

25岁的他是个没有工作,前途渺茫的乐师。At 25 he was an unemployed musician with no prospects.

如何计算失业保险金领取期限?How to calculate does unemployed insurance gold get time?

那是为所有无业人员开设的免费政府机构。It's a free government service for all unemployed people.

失业人员再就业要走劳动力市场这条路。The unemployed should seek jobs through the labor market.

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工厂关闭后工人失业了。The workshop have shut down and the worker is unemployed.

那些开偷来的车狂飙和驾车抢劫的年轻人都是无业游民。The kids who are joyriding and ram-raiding are unemployed.

任何失业人员都被认为在应得玫府帮助之列。Any unemployed person reckons as deserving government help.