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IATA表示,全球有330家航空公司已经通过其安全标准审查。IATA says 330 airlines around the world have passed its audit.

国际航空运输协会估计欧洲航空公司的情况比那时更糟糕。IATA reckons the situation for Europe's airlines is even worse than then.

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所有IATA成员将会于三月低前完成IOSA的注册工作。By the end of this month, March, all IATA members will have achieved IOSA registration.

并简单介绍了国际航协制定的相关协议及内容。In addition, contents of corresponding agreements made by IATA are also discussed in brief.

到3月底,国际航空协会的所有成员都将通过IOSA运行安全审计认证。By the end of this month, March, all IATA members will have achieved IOSA registration, " Bisignani said."

为了解决这些问题,IATA正在制定一个RFID行李标签的国际标准。To address this issue, the IATA has set up a task force to develop an international standard for RFID baggage tags.

国际航协已促请美国政府和国际民航组织破除界限,互换安全方面的信息和数据。IATA called for greater cooperation between the US and ICAO to break down silos and share safety information and data.

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如用空运,则必须合符国际航空运输协会的标准。Horses must be crated in suitable containers for humane transportation and in accordance with IATA standard if transported by air.

国际航空运输协会报告说,对于航空公司来说,油价上升从来都是一个挑战,而中东地区发生的事件总是造成重大风险。The IATA report says rising oil prices are always a challenge for airlines, and the events in the Middle East pose a significant risk.

IOSA是国际航空运输协会安全审计认证的英文首字缩写,各航空公司使用这个认证来衡量各自是否符合全世界通用的安全标准。IOSA is the acronym for IATA Operational Safety Audit, a program the airlines use to measure their conformity with global safety standards.

国际航协也促请奥巴马政府在航空安全、航空安保、环境保护和商业自由往来方面进行政策的调整。IATA also urged the Obama Administration to deliver broad policy changes in the areas of safety, security, environment and commercial freedoms

但国际航空运输协会预计,到2013年,该地区的乘客量将从去年的6.47亿增至8.64亿,将占到全球市场的三分之一。But Iata expects passenger numbers in the region to rise from 647m last year to 864m by 2013, which it says will then be a third of the global market

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国际航协这个唯一能给航空行业制定游戏规则的主管团体,在航空货运方面目前正在推行全面电子货运项目。The one and only governing body who set rules for the game in this industry. In the air cargo area IATA is currently promoting the E-Freight project.

作为国际航协IATA组织在西北地区的首家代理,可提供完善的国际国内机票服务。Meanwhile, as the first IATA agent in the northwest China, Xian CITS provides a complete range of service in international and domestic air ticketing.

Rivero说,对于佣金的支付,供应商通常代表酒店和租车公司,把钱汇入代理商在国际航空运输协会的银行账户中。For commission payments, usually on behalf of hotels and car rental companies, the supplier pays into the agency’s account, also at the IATA bank, Rivero said.

国际航协IATA简化商务推广,对民航传统订票、机场柜台等旅客服务、业务流程产生了很大的影响。IATA is promoting simplifying the business. The traditional passenger services and business process, such as ticketing, airport counters, had a great influence.

临床应用阔筋膜张肌和髂胫束作为覆盖物治疗缺损是可行的,而用该肌作肌移植则其肌力难以匹配。The tensor fascia iata and ilio-tibial band were considered to be feasible in clinical use, but could not be used to replace a paralyzed muscle as a transplant.

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如果供应商开出了预付费产品的旅游发票,那旅游代理商或者是旅行社就必须把钱汇到供应商所属的,位置最近的国际航空运输协会的结算银行账户中。If a supplier generates an invoice for prepaid travel, the agency or tour operator pays into the supplier’s account maintained at the nearest IATA clearinghouse bank.

扫描仪可以向下折叠进入28“x19”x18“集装箱用于运输,并带有轮子,手柄和押板,符合IATA国际航空运输学会要求,允许空运。The scanner folds down for transportation in a 28"x19"x18" container that has both wheels, handles and a keeper plate to allow shipment by air in line with IATA requirements.

国际航空运输协会总干事乔瓦尼·比西尼亚尼说,尽管燃料油价格上升的影响随着全球经济复苏而有所减少,可是航空工业仍然面临着巨大的困难。IATA Director General Giovanni Bisignani says the impact of higher fuel prices is lessened by the global economic recovery, but the airline industry still faces significant hurdles.