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编译器是高级语言的工作基础,它本身是一种复杂的程序。A complier is the basis of an advanced language and a complicated program.

事实上,我们曾经开发的现在仍在使用的一些软件包就是使用的FORTRAN编译器。In fact, we developed and still use a package that is based on a FORTRAN complier.

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如果有人想要创建一个抽象类的对象,编译器就会阻止它。If anyone tries to make an object of an abstract class, the complier prevents them.

照我们今天的观点看来,汇编者使用奶油和砂糖有点儿大手大脚。According to our present day ideas the complier seems somewhat liberal with her butter and sugar.

为了保证这部著作的质量,编者对文章中的脱字、漏字以及衍文进行了必要的校正。The complier of it has revised the missing words, carets, and derivatives in order to maintain its quality.

很让我赞叹的是编者们在挑选语例时下的工夫。Very those who let me gasp in admiration is complier people the time that choosing language exemple nowadays.

在具体实现过程中,充分利用了面向对象技术与编译技术相结合的思想。The thought of combination of object oriented technique and complier construction technique is deeply used in the procedure of implementing.

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编者希望能引起统计界人士的关注,以便将此问题的研究引向深入。Complier hopes to be able to cause the attention of statistical group public figure, so that cite the research of this problem to development.

HT82K95E的C语言编译器并不支持32位的数据类型,本文介绍了一种在HT82K95E上用汇编语言实现TEA算法的具体方案。Because the C complier of MCU HT92K95E can't support 32bits data type, this paper introduce a case that use assemble language to realize TEA based on HT82K95E.

针对编译器系统设计和编译中的低功耗优化,基于可重定向编译器,实现在编译器后端对VLIW指令总线进行功耗优化的策略。With the design of complier system and optimization for its low-power in compiling, the low-power optimization strategy for VLIW instruction bus is implemented in the compiler backend.