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是高雅和仁慈吗?Will it be noble and benevolent?

阿旭是有爱心的,喜欢小动物的。He is benevolent , and like small animals.

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以造福世界为宗旨,仁者爱人。The benefit for the purpose, benevolent love.

对我来说,这不像一个仁慈的上帝。That doesn’t seem like a benevolent god to me.

他的面容温和而慈祥。He possesses a mild and benevolent countenance.

仁者的责任让他知难而上。Benevolent responsibility to let him go upstream.

在当下,生活是非常仁慈简单的?Life is extremely benevolent and simple in the now ?

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对此,仁者见仁,智者见智。In this regard, benevolent see benevolence, sage see Moses.

现今日本并不享有如此善意的经济气候。Japan today doesn't enjoy such a benevolent economic clime.

这免费食物是一个善人要给一个乞丐的。The free food was given to a beggar by a benevolent person.

电影以一个和谐的弗兰肯斯坦式的场景开始。It begins as a benevolent version of the Frankenstein story.

历史上,并用来给其德政,智慧于人民的事业。History, and used to give its benevolent wisdom to the people.

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虽然有时候脾气很火爆,但是平时待人还是很温和的…He treat us very benevolent though sometimes he got ill-tempered.

他有一副君主的与和善的面貌,慈悲,但陷入里面去。He was a kingly and kindly figure, benevolent but not uninvolved.

庭长是个细心周到的人,他大声发言了。The President, an attentive and benevolent man, raised his voice.

我不再是一个有威严而仁慈的医生-我是个普通人。No longer was I the avuncular, benevolent doctor-I was a human being.

“他们也许在天堂。”古柏太太带着一付慈祥的笑容回答说。"They might be in heaven . " said Mrs. Cooper with a benevolent grin.

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檀香山隆都从善堂1月1日举行新年度职员就职典礼。New staff of Honolulu Lung Doo Benevolent Society took office on Jan. 1st.

例如,从一项乐善好施的行为中取得的乐趣就往往与之相关。The pleasure obtained from a benevolent act is often relevant, for example.

希腊可能有乐善好施的恩人,但我怀疑中国会否宽仁。Greece may have benevolent benefactors but I doubt China will be as lenient.