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他眼睛直勾勾地盯着他。He looked Karkov squarely in the eye.

她把帽子戴得端端正正。Her hat was set squarely on her head.

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奥尔尼转身正对着他问。Olney demanded, turning squarely upon him.

椅子要保持四脚着地,四平八稳。Chairs should remain squarely on the floor.

另一道光正好击中他的前胸。The second jet of light hit him squarely on the chest.

我们断然宣称自己站在政府一边。We planked squarely down on the side of the government.

我们断然宣称自己站在政府一边。We plunked squarely down on the side of the government.

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采用管道切割机,垂直切割管道并且清除毛刺。Using a tube cutter, cut tubing squarely and remove burrs.

这样的民主是否正是亡国亡台之路!Is not such a democracy squarely on the road to national perdition?

这种结果完全背离了科学探索的目标。Such outcomes run squarely against the goals of scientific inquiry.

一滴墨珠从他们身旁飞过,正中凯蒂·贝尔的耳朵。An ink pellet whizzed past them, striking Katie Bell squarely in the ear.

这个家庭的生活方式是舒适而又传统的,是中规中矩的中产阶级。The family's life-style is comfortable, conventional, squarely middle class.

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但是现在,责任将重重压在这位年仅20岁球员肩膀上。But now the responsibility will rest squarely on the shoulders of the 20-year-old.

第三个国家就是美国,它完全建立在共和原则基础上。The third newcomer-the United States-based itself squarely on republican principles.

第三个新人便是美国,其在共和原则上一直正视自己。The third newcomer-the United States-based itself squarely on republican principles.

但除非中央政府鼎力支持这些措施,否则它们都将夭折。But they will wither unless the central government throws its weight squarely behind them.

第三个国家便是美国,它完全建立在共和准绳基础上。The third newcomer -- the United States -- based itself squarely on republican principles.

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中国联通本月已经开通这项直接瞄准”黑莓”的新业务。The new service, aimed squarely at BlackBerry, was launched this month by China Unicom Ltd.

政府应该面对问题,并采取实事求是的态度。The government should squarely face the problem and take a down-to-earth attitude toward it.

一方面,人们只要对这些涂鸦扫过一眼就会清楚地记住这部电影的名字。On one hand, it places the name of the film squarely on the minds of anyone who gets a glimpse.