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这只是一个伪造用户的阻吓作用。It will just be a deterrent to fake users.

处罚封犯罪有强大的威慑作用。Punishment is a strong deterrent to crime.

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核武器是终极的威慑力量。Nuclear weapons are the ultimate deterrent.

死刑是对暴力犯罪的一种震慑力。Death penalty is a deterrent to violent crimes.

严厉的惩罚是犯罪强力的遏阻方法。Severe punishment is a strong deterrent to crime.

抚养孩子成本高也是一个阻碍因素。The high cost of child-rearing is also a deterrent.

唯一可靠的缓解之法就是拖延希腊的还款期限。The only credible deterrent was letting Greece default.

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帝国主义的核“威慑力量”已经破产。The imperialists' nuclear "deterrent" has met its failure.

一般不做坏事遏阻原因是害怕后果。Fear of consequences is a common deterrent from wrongdoing.

你不能到最后一刻才去搞核威慑力量。You cannot rustle up a nuclear deterrent at the last minute.

他们的导弹被视为一种防卫和威慑力量。Their missiles are viewed as a defensive and deterrent force.

高尔夫球是对抗绿色和平的有效方法。Golf balls are an effective deterrent against Greenpeace weenies.

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与此同时,绞刑的极少执行意也味着它不具有威慑性。At the same time, the rarity of execution means it is no deterrent.

这位可怕暴君的存亡悬于震慑力的有无。The awful despot’s chances of survival lie with his deterrent power.

把电视或者收音机开大声,会比最好的警报系统更具有震慑作用。A loud TV or radio can be a better deterrent than the best alarm system.

他说,这种遣责将对集束弹的使用形成强有力的威摄作用。He says this stigmatization will act as a potent deterrent to their use.

俄罗斯说,它认为这一系统会妨碍俄罗斯的核威慑力量。Russia says it believes the system could blunt its own nuclear deterrent.

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大部分民事税收法律规范的复杂性也对控诉具有阻碍作用。The complexity of most civil tax laws is also a deterrent to prosecution.

某种意义上,核武器反而应被接受为一必要威慑。Instead, to some extent, they should be accepted as a necessary deterrent.

凹槽是为了赶上在作为一种威慑切变线到采摘。The groove is intended to catch at the shear line as a deterrent to picking.