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你可以将食品看作‘溢出品’。This you can call a spillover.

此外,研发有不小的溢出效应。There are also non-trivial R&D spillover effects.

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进口贸易是技术的一种主要溢出渠道。Import trade is a kind of channel of international technology spillover.

到目前为止,这次还没有发生水溢效应的征兆。So far, there has been no sign of such a spillover effect this time around.

这有可能导致不同宗教之间的关系更加水火不容。This risked a broader spillover into relations between different religions.

MNE的技术外溢性对技术进步有重要影响。The MNE Spillover technology has important effect to technological progress.

这一指数的下降更加重了人们对亚洲会受到西方问题影响的担心。The decline fanned worries about the spillover of the West’s problems into Asia.

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进口贸易和外国直接投资是国际技术溢出的两条主要渠道。Importing and FDI are the two main channels for international technology spillover.

后向联系与前向联系是行业间溢出发生作用的两种途径。And backward linkage and forward linkage are the two channels of inter-industry spillover.

上述问题产生的外溢效应已影响到地区安全与稳定。The spillover effect of these issues is taking its toll on peace and stability in the region.

星期五将继续星期四的势头。总而言之,这是华丽的一周。Friday has spillover energy from the previous day. All in all, this will be quite a special week.

利用行业水平数据,本文考察了FDI对中国工业部门的外溢效应。Using industry-level data, this paper discusses FDI spillover effect in China's industrial sector.

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从行业层面看,外资企业对内资工业部门有显著的正向溢出效应。From the industry level, foreign-funded industrial sector has significant positive spillover effects.

东道国企业所处行业在产业链中的位置也会影响行业间溢出。Finally, the position of domestic firms in the industrial chain can also affect inter-industry spillover.

分行业检验发现,在中高技术行业中,当期FDI的溢出效应都不明显。Sub-sectors tests find that, in the high-tech industries, the current FDI spillover effects are not obvious.

换言之,技术溢出对公有企业的私有化构成一个制约因素。In other words, FDI technology spillover constitutes a constraint on the privatization of public-owned firms.

销量仍然不错,但他也在留意欧洲和美国的问题,以及可能有的“溢出因素”。Sales are still healthy but he's keeping 'one eye on Europe and U.S. issues and potential spillover factors.'

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本文除了厘清「工作-休閒冲突」对员工幸福感的扩散效果,并发现「社会支持」的调节效果。The study found the spillover effect of WLC on employees' well-being and moderating effect of social support.

分析的结果表明,与行业内溢出相比,行业间溢出是更为有效的技术溢出渠道。The result shows that, compared with intra-industry spillover, inter-industry spillover is much more significant.

要更好地利用MNE的技术外溢效应,应从加大教育投入、提升集群企业研发能力等多个方面努力。In order to use technology spillover of MNE better, education, research and innovation competence must be regarded.