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我喜欢这里的工作时间和同事,但薪水非常微薄。I like the hours and the people, but the pay is measly.

1962年,印度的国防预算只有可怜的35亿卢比!In 1962, India's defence budget was a measly 350 crores!

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“我问,”接受这可怜兮兮的每小时10美分然后还要微笑吗?。"I asked. "Just take this measly 10 cents an hour and smile?

但是谁会在祷告时说他对一片微不足道的土司感到满意呢?But who, pray tell, is satisfied with just one measly piece of toast?

在车门旁,他觉得只有半条街这点短的可怜的路还开车回家很愚蠢。At the door of his car , it seemed stupid to him to drive the measly half block home.

“那我该怎么办呢?”我问,“接受这可怜兮兮的每小时10美分然后还要微笑吗?”"So what will solve the problem?" I asked. "Just take this measly 10 cents an hour and smile?"

只有23%的人上过自我防卫的课程,仅仅6%的人经常和同伴一起跑步。Only 23 percent have taken a self-defense class. And a measly 6 percent always run with a partner.

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自然选择就如同一个只能上山的机器人,即使这会使它停留在一座微不足道的小山的山顶。Natural selection is like a robotthatcan only climb uphill, even if this leaves it stuck on top of measly hillock.

网络的舆论压力会让他们更有礼貌,至少会更小心地对待在押人员,然而这样的可能性很渺茫。The chance that the online hype will make them more courteous towards detainees or at least more cautious is measly.

她曾经阳光的性格因此变得阴暗,高强度的体育锻炼也只剩下每天20分钟的散步。Her once-sunny disposition turned morose, and her vigorous workouts declined to a measly 20 minutes of walking a day.

如果你对自己微薄的收入不满,你也许在小学时候并没有好好学习。If you're feeling disgruntled about your measly paycheck, you might not have been paying enough attention in grade school.

VW已经为其1升概念炒作很久了,之所以这样说是因为它百公里油耗只有1升。VW has been talking for a long time about its L1 concept, so called because it uses a measly 1 liter of gasoline to go 100 km.

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“呀,在短短的三十分钟内看重点研究会议是完全没效果的”,他自言自语。“Jeez, it will be pointless to get into the groove of a focused study session for just thirty measly minutes”, he thinks out loud.

自去年夏天中国同意采取更为宽松的利率政策以来,人民币对美元的汇率仅仅上升了3.6个百分点。Since China agreed to a more flexible exchange rate last summer, its currency has appreciated a measly 3.6 percent against the dollar.

多米尼克,最爱耍酷的家伙,拿起一个可怜巴巴的梨子,在我们回山洞的路上捣腾个没完,把梨子顶在鼻子上玩找平衡的杂耍。Dominic, the show-off of the group, picked up one measly pear, put it on top of his snout and performed a balancing act as we made our way back to the cave.

绝大多数的老人除了他们微薄的积蓄别无其他,并且今天的工人的退休金也是少得如此可怜。Not only do the vast majority of elderly Chinese have little more than their meager savings, but today’s workers have pensions so measly as to be irrelevant.

新恢复了分红——虽然每股只有1美分——它的十合一的合股使它从低股价中走了出来。Meanwhile a newly restored dividend -- albeit a measly one penny per share -- and a ten-for-one reverse stock split could drag its shares out of the single digits.

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这么好玩的玩具只要10个英镑,如果你的同事中有个高尔夫狂人,在圣诞节用这个做礼物交换正合适!It's only going to set you back a measly 10 British pounds and if someone in your office is a golf nut, it would make a great gift for the holiday office gift exchange.

印度今天敦促美国加强它那“可怜的”措施以应对全球变暖——否则将对达成避免灾难性气候变化的国际协议造成危害。India demanded today that America step up its "measly" efforts to combat global warming – or risk jeopardising an international deal to avoid catastrophic climate change.

但是,根据搞市场研究的善福德·伯恩斯坦公司的说法,同一节目在它和全美广播公司属下的环球公司和迪斯尼公司合作拥有的视频网站Hulu网播出时,福克斯公司只放了三个广告,每个观众只挣得区区十八美分。But, according to research firm Sanford C. Bernstein, Fox airs just three commercials for the same show on Hulu—a site it co-owns with NBC Universal and Disney—earning a measly 18 cents per viewer.