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那些恶棍受到法律的严惩。Those rogues were proceeded with the utmost rigour of the law.

埃及人严严地使以色列人作工。And the Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve with rigour.

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因为严格的理论要求它应该作出这样的规定,直到青春期终了为止。It ended with puberty, for the rigour of the theory demanded that it should do so.

各部协调统一,团结合作,分工精细,科学严谨。Ministries of harmonization, solidarity and cooperation, Division, scientific rigour.

他们引入了多数生物科学所欠缺的纪律和严谨。They are introducing a discipline and rigour that is missing from most of bioscience.

这已经被大量的实验数据和数学计算严格证实。This is backed up by a significant amount of experimental data and mathematical rigour.

但是,由于HIA过程中使用的证据不够严谨,这种方法因此遭到了批评。However, HIA methodology has been criticized for a lack of rigour in its use of evidence.

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该委员会谨遵我们标准制定过程的公开性和严谨性。The committee adheres closely to the openness and rigour of our standards development process.

在谈到金融家的时候,麦金泰尔用决不妥协的坚定力量运用其形而上学途径。When it comes to the money-men, MacIntyre applies his metaphysical approach with unrelenting rigour.

丹麦极具责任心的严格模式作用明显,尽管经济呈现负增长,丹麦依然保持着极低的失业率。Denmark’s model of kindly rigour is still delivering extremely low unemployment, despite negative growth.

在德国,虽然它仍是禁语,但也意味着一种关于严酷的和谐。In Germany, where it was until recently a taboo phrase, it means something like the harmonisation of rigour.

有一名陪审员当即宣布希望能用最严厉的法律制裁她。One of the jurors immediately declares himself in favour of the utmost rigour of the law being applied to the young woman.

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统一大纲虽然有它严格性和统一性的一面,却因其不切实际、臃肿复杂而难以执行,同时它还带着“文艺复兴时代教义”的烙印。But though that brought rigour and uniformity, it also created an unwieldy-and unworldly-blueprint for the Renaissance Child.

实际上除了智力上得到启发和遇到的艰苦之外,能完成博士论文也是一段有价值的人生体验。Quite apart from the intellectual stimulation and rigour that writing my PhD entailed, completing it was a valuable life experience.

这项调查是受东安格利亚大学委托、独立进行的。调查发现,相关科学家的“严谨和诚实”是“没有疑问的”。The review, independently run but commissioned by UEA, found the "rigour and honesty" of the scientists involved was "not in doubt".

虽然波恩定则自20世纪20年代以来已成为量子理论的核心,但它尚未经过任何严格实验的测试。While Born's rule has been central to quantum theory since the 1920s, it has not been tested experimentally with any degree of rigour.

教科书在这3卷结合起来,非正式的,土力工程健全的实践与严谨正规,数学为基础的方法。The textbooks in this three-volume set combine informal, engineeringly sound practice with the rigour of formal, mathematics-based approaches.

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卫生工作及其严格地教育我们,正象没有行动的知识是浪费资源一样,没有知识的行动是徒劳无功的。Health work teaches us with great rigour that action without knowledge is wasted effort, just as knowledge without action is a wasted resource.

邵逸农和慕辰以返朴归真的摄影手法,揭示了严酷的历史兴衰与中国社会的变迁。While returning to a simple photographic mode, Shao Yinong and Mu Chen expose with rigour the vicissitudes of history and the changes in China.

成功与失败都是可借鉴的机会,体育教练每周进行的冷静分析非常严密,而商界尚未形成这个习惯。Both success and failure are learning opportunities, and there is a rigour in their cold-eyed, weekly analysis, which business has yet to develop.