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他精于雕刻。He is skilled in sculpture.

雕塑是一种造形艺术。Sculpture is a plastic art.

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还很喜欢雕塑,and I like sculpture a lot,

他雕刻出那座雕像。And he created that sculpture.

另一件大型黄油雕刻品。Another large butter sculpture.

雏型,4个月之前的泥雕版。Clay sculpture , 4 months review.

这座城雕有八十米长。This sculpture is 80 meters long.

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刘海以低角度处理。Sculpture the fringe in low angle.

这组雕像叫舜耕群象。This group sculpture is about Shun.

而对于野口勇,这一切都只是雕塑。To Noguchi, all this was sculpture.

喷泉是用大理石雕成的。The fountain was a marble sculpture.

那么,究竟什么是软雕塑?。Then, what is soft sculpture indeed?

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他长大后想从事雕塑工作。He wanted to sculpture when he grew up.

你认识这件雕塑的塑造者吗?。Do you know the shaper of this sculpture?

为我的祖国雕塑英姿飒爽的形象。For my sculpture image of the motherland.

罗丹雕塑园的庭院。Grounds of Rodin Museum sculpture garden.

Kalasa城堡遗址的现代雕像。Modern sculpture in Kalasa Citadel ruins.

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弗雷德里克梅哲花园与雕塑公园Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park

我想在这座雕像前摆姿势。I want to pose in front of this sculpture.

我在雕塑揭幕后离开了曼谷。My sculpture was unveiled. I left Bangkok.