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那位女售货员笑脸相迎。The saleswoman smiles a welcome.

“这是你的找零,”女店员说道。"Here's your change, " said the saleswoman.

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“这是你的找零,”女店员说道。"Here's your change , " said the saleswoman.

这个女销售员的行为即时宰客。This saleswoman is trying to rip off the customer.

是的,她是个很好的推销员,而且很有礼貌。Yes, she was a good saleswoman and also well-mannered.

女店员诱骗那女孩买了四顶帽子。The saleswoman inveigled the poor girl into buying four hats.

当那位女店员问是否需要她将它包起来时,特丽点了点头。When the saleswoman asked if she'd like her to wrap it up, Terry nodded.

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如果你说当今世界最伟大的女推销员是个黄毛丫头,她不会介意。The greatest saleswoman in the world today doesn't mind if you call her a girl.

“我想你一定会回来的,”AT&T那个女售货员在我一进门时候就说道。“I thought you might be back, ” the AT&T saleswoman said as I walked in the door.

“打墙上写的那个电话,”女贩子一边说,一边指着一块公告板。“Call that number on the wall,” the saleswoman says, pointing to a bulletin board.

太阳科技公司的销售人员,詹妮·金,向她的经理金额杰克·兰瑟请假一天。Jenny King, a saleswoman at Sun Tech, is asking her manager, Jake Lancer, for a day off.

“你来试试这个”,在销售员的奉承下,他喜出望外的朝他妻子喊道。"You've got to try this, " he shouted to his wife, to the delight of a fawning saleswoman.

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但是现在,当她发现有顾客随意把衣服丢在试衣间里时,甚至感到高兴——总算有事情做了。Now when customers leave clothes balled up in fitting rooms, the saleswoman feels grateful.

我想她也许会在试衣室,就问售货员是否见过我母亲。Thinking she might be in the fitting room, I asked the saleswoman if she had seen my mother.

我父亲是一家百货商店采购员,我母亲是同一商店的售货员。My father is purchaser at a department store and my mother is a saleswoman at the same store.

那时女售货员正忙着帮顾客选鞋,十分卖力,气喘吁吁。The shoe saleswoman was frantically huffing and puffing as she tried to help several customers at once.

晚上,26岁的售货员罗曼诺娃在试图进入剧院时,被绑匪射杀。Evening, 26-year-old saleswoman Romanova when trying to enter the theater, was shot and killed the kidnappers.

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“那是使我们成为新加坡人的东西,”一位在靠近市中心的购物中心里的食品商店工作的售货员法迪拉哈·默海默德这样说。"It's what makes us Singaporeans, " said Fadilah Mohammed, a saleswoman at a food store in a mall near downtown.

作为一个售货员和电工的女儿,她在工厂里兼职同时拿到了经济博士的学位。The daughter of a saleswoman and an electrician, she worked part time in a factory while earning a Ph.D. in economics.

科克伦现在成了半科学家半推销员,因为她在整个加州间穿梭游走,以劝说人们成为地震捕手。Cochran is part scientist and part saleswoman as she crisscrosses the state to persuade people to become Quake Catchers.