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粗纱伸长。Stretch in roving.

粗纱捻度过大。Excessive twist in roving.

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我们在蓓蒂花圃徜徉。Down in the Pettey Garden we're roving.

细纱机粗纱架上的粗纱太细。Jammed roving bobbins at ring frame creel.

喂入粗纱的条子意外伸长。Stretch in draw frame sliver fed to roving.

喂入条中有未打开的粗纱条。Presence of unopened roving in the feed sliver.

全部中国生产的悬锭粗纱机。All suspended flyer roving frames made in China.

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强调了控制粗纱张力的重要性。And the control of roving tension is very important.

由于粗纱机成型过程中张力不合适造成粗纱伸长不匀。Stretch in roving due to improper tension in the roving.

眼睛所看的,比心里妄想的倒好。Better what the eye sees than the roving of the appetite.

夜深了,皎洁的月光漫溯过我的侧脸。It was late, bright moonlight roving through my side face.

粗纱导纱器的往复运动不灵活或振动。Obstruction or vibration in the movement of roving traverse.

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这次巡回展览将于当地时间周五在美国开始。The roving exhibition will start on Friday in the United States.

介绍了HY系列粗纱机的结构特征和性能特点。Structure and property of HY series roving machine is introduced.

玛塞拉和汉克做着十分有意义的工作,继续他们忙碌的退休生活。Marcella and Hank continue a retirement busy with roving good works.

给来宾帐户添加“跟随眼睛”这个跟随鼠标移动的工具可以着实吓人一跳。Unnerve guest users by adding the roving eyes that follow mouse movements.

本文介绍了A453系列粗纱机改造的一种方法。This paper introduces a method of improving the series of A453 roving frame.

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14岁时,他辍学离校,开始了流浪生活。When he was fourteen, he dropped out from school and began his life of roving.

他所说的是流浪的先知,他们走动于各个教堂之间。What he's talking about are roving prophets who go around to different churches.

从粗纱机纺纱工艺出发探讨了胶棍、胶圈的性能要求。Approach is also done to the properties of cots starting with the roving process.