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产品滞销商品过剩意味什么?The unmarketable products surplus mean?

因而产品滞销导致的商品过剩现象也不断地发生着。Thus the unmarketable products cause surplus phenomenon also happen all the time.

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菟丝子会使农业减产,还会使种子作物滞销。Dodder can reduce agricultural productivity and can render a seed crop unmarketable.

尽量压缩文物市场,是间接保护文物的方法。It is an indirect way of protecting such relics to make them as unmarketable as possible.

对于滞销商品采取保本保利分析,尽可能减少滞销商品带来的损失。The losses of unmarketable goods will be reduced by analyses of retaining cost and profit.

虹口市场价格,“总体保持稳定”,和一些大商会“滞销”。Hongkou market prices, "the whole, maintained stability", and some large chamber "unmarketable. "

菟丝子会使农业减产,还会使种子作物滞销,因为很难将其与寄主作物分开。Dodder can reduce agricultural productivity and can render a seed crop unmarketable since it’s hard to separate it from its host plant.

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奶牛肉通常最后被制成汉堡的夹馅,而肉用牛经常被喂食抗生素,以及那些经过传染病治疗的奶牛所产的无法销售的“坏牛奶”。Dairy cows are routinely ground into hamburger and veal calves are often fed antibiotic-laden, unmarketable "waste milk" from dairy cows undergoing treatment for infections.

作为教练,格兰特几乎没有任何的商业价值,他没有合格的履历,也不可能指望他能够吸引顶级球员,而顶级球员却是肯扬进行有效商业推广过程中所必须的。He is all but unmarketable as a manager, inexperienced, and has little hope of attracting the top players that we need to have in order for Kenyon to be able to market us effectively.

近年来,在激烈的市场竞争中,中国光大银行大连分行面临着营销手段滞后,金融产品滞销等制约业务快速发展的瓶颈。In recent years, China Everbright Bank Dalian Branch is confronted with bottleneck of lag instrument of marketing and unmarketable of finance product etc in severe market competition.

我国各出版社每年会积压一定数量的滞销书,造纸浆、降价、赠送是其主要处理方式。Various publishing houses in our country will pile up certain amount of unmarketable books every year. Making the paper pulp, the reduction and contribution are its main processing mode.