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我想用一个令人觉得可怕的事实来结束这篇冗长的文章。I want to close this screed on a scary note.

当我可以使用索梅罗铜斑蛇激光整平机?When Can I Use A Somero CopperHead Laser Screed?

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找不到你熨平造成用水水平确定。Not getting your screed level causing water to set.

但他最终还是被日益强大的军阀津奇处决了。Screed was ultimately killed by Warlord Zsinj during his rise to power.

室内是单色的,仅仅找平地板以粉色突出。The interior is monochrome, and only the screed floor stands out in pink.

在Sarrazin出书前德国就注意到这类问题了,而且这十年来一直在关注。Germany awoke to such problems a decade or more before Mr Sarrazin’s screed appeared.

在神龙激光熨平了革命性的混凝土浇筑的整个过程。The Somero Laser Screed helped revolutionize the entire process of concrete placement.

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接下来,我用我的身体填料板,以刀轴',其中我的轴承孔被。Next, I used my body filler screed to scribe the axis' where my bearing holes were to be.

斯克里德虽然一开始对这种野蛮的做法不以为然,但也并不介意。Though Screed was not initially impressed with such brutish methods, he kept an open mind.

这些熨平机是2005年购置的,由于种种原因未开成洗涤公司。These Screed aircraft purchased in 2005, due to various reasons did not open-washing company.

他邀请帝国海军上将斯克里德参观他的回收厂。这家回收厂位于“西斯之蓬”星云内。He invited Imperial Admiral Screed to his salvaging operation in the Cloak of the Sith nebula.

斯克里德在比图星监督过大希普的工作,而后他航行至遥远的鲁恩星系。Screed oversaw the placement of the Great Heep on Biitu, and voyaged to the distant Roon system.

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在某些情况下,铜斑蛇甚至更好的工作,你可能会使用大型激光整平机。In some cases, the CopperHead is even better for jobs that you may be using a large Laser Screed.

孔和斯克里德逃了出来。孔总督想在失望的帝国高官眼前挽回脸面。Koong and Screed escaped, and the Governor tried to save face in front of the unimpressed Imperial.

这是一篇民族主义的冗长的文章,主张中国应停止贬低自己,抵制对她的批评。It was a nationalistic screed arguing that China should stop debasing itself and stand up to its critics.

熨平的铜斑蛇激光工程作为“大”激光找平相同的基本激光控制系统。The CopperHead Laser Screed works by using the same basic laser control system as the "big" laser screeds.

一种制备所述砂浆的方法以及一种重新利用回收的玻璃废料的方法。A method for production of a screed is described as well as a method for remediation of recycled glass waste.

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斯克里德只对宝藏的位置感兴趣。他一旦知道了这个位置,便全面控制了鲁恩。Screed was solely interested in the location of the treasure, and once he knew it, he seized control of Roon.

在帝国初期,斯克里德是一个身材高大的男人。他有着棱角分明的脸庞,左眼戴着电子眼罩。In the early days of the Empire, Screed was a tall man with harsh, angular features and an electronic eyepatch.

孔总督制定了许多讨好帝国海军上将斯克里德的计划,加夫都参与其中。Gaff was involved in numerous schemes orchestrated by Governor Koong to curry favor with Imperial Admiral Screed.