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再说了,寿司会很好吃的。Moreover, the sashimi will be great.

有看到那些色彩鲜艳的刺身吗?Have you notice the Sashimi in wonderful colors?

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一盘刺身被端了上来,它简直就是完美。A Sashimi platter was served, and it was perfection.

寿司,握寿司,手捲,生鱼片与传统腌酱菜。Sushi, Nigiri, Maki & Sashimi with traditional garnishes.

甜不辣晚餐加生鱼片,这样好不好?。The tempura dinner comes with sashimi. Will that be fine?

传统的硬件公司也想从软件产业分一杯羹。Old hardware companies want a slice of the software sashimi.

与Szechwan蟹,新鲜的清蒸鱼和生鱼片搭配食用,味道更佳。Goes well with Szechwan crab, fresh steamed fish and sashimi.

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想要知道如何做生鱼片,但不知道从何下手?Want to know how to make Sashimi but don't know where to start?

在许多国家,要用来做生鱼片的鱼会先冷冻,以把虫子杀死。In many countries fish used for sashimi is frozen to kill the worms.

日本熊本生蚝,法国芬得克雷尔生蚝,金枪鱼腩。Kumamoto oyster, Fine Claire oyster, chu-toro, tuna & salmon sashimi.

就拿美国人最熟悉的金枪鱼来说吧。Take maguro, the tuna whose sashimi is most recognizable to Americans.

生鱼片要伴着芥茉,一种辛辣的绿色调味品,以及酱汁一起食用。Sashimi is eaten with wasabi, a green horseradish paste, and soy sauce.

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我喜欢吃芥末的生鱼片和寿司,那使口味美味。I like to have sashimi and sushi with wasabi. That makes the taste delicious.

从烹饪上说,生鱼片代表了日本的精明文化价值观。Culinarily , sashimi represents the Japanese cultural appreciation of subtlety.

日式刺身和寿司。原料精挑细选,散发新鲜气。Japanese sashimi and sushi. Its ingredients are carefully chosen and all fresh.

我喜欢大比目鱼刺身配上松露,我也喜欢蓝蟹手卷。I do love some halibut sashimi with truffle, I like me some blue crab hand roll.

刺身鱿鱼片是有新鲜的鱿鱼切片而成,是刺身类不错的选择!Sashimi is fresh squid- slice from the squid, sashimi category is a good choice!

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洋平的生鱼片寿司一炮而红,很快地,就有其他厨师开始将他的点子发扬光大。Yohei's sashimi was an instant hit, and soon other chefs began improving on his idea.

螃蟹肉和生鱼片新鲜且多汁,你当然希望多多益善了。The crabmeat and sashimi are so fresh and juicy that you'd no doubt want to order more.

光寿司酒吧供应新鲜的寿司和生鱼片等日本特产之一。Hikari Sushi Bar serves freshly made sushi and sashimi among other Japanese specialties.