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这是在MMC控制台最左边的窗格。This is the leftmost pane in the MMC console.

从最左侧的树开始,按照顺序依次执行。Start from leftmost tree, and work your way up.

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让他们去练习钟琴,从最左边的学生开始。Get them to play their bells, starting with the leftmost pupil.

第一张表即左表,出现在JOIN子句的最左边的。"left" table, which appears leftmost in the JOIN clause, are included.

位数计数从准确结果的最左边的非零数字开始。The digit count starts from the leftmost nonzero digit of the exact result.

你会注意到最左边的一栏列表含有一个可以下拉的菜单。You will notice that the leftmost column in the grid contains a drop-down menu.

为了可能,条件必须以一个索引的最左前缀的形式。For it to be possible, the conditions have to form a leftmost prefix of an index.

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寻找最左匹配,如果当前位置只存在一个可能的匹配,那麽就返回它。Find the leftmost match, if there is only one match possible at this location then return it.

如果你想复印书本上一些好的文章,你可以去房间的左边的结束。If you want to photocopy some good articles from books you can go to the leftmost end of the room.

在各种情况下,寻找在最左位置匹配第一个子表达式的匹配。Find the match which has matched the first sub-expression in the leftmost position, along with any ties.

添加到查询中的第一列出现在结果的最左边,接下来是第二列,依此类推。The first column you add to the query appears leftmost in the results, the second column next, and so on.

如果要退出程序,你必须在最左边的菜单栏中选择Quit指令,或者按Command+Q键。To quit the program, you must either select Quit from the leftmost menu or press the Command and 'Q' keys together.

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并且,最左边的以及所有宽度为奇数的线并不能精确呈现,这就是因为路径的定位问题。However, the leftmost and all other odd-integer-width thickness lines do not appear crisp, because of the paths positioning.

您可以在编辑器中单击需要放置断点的行的最左侧列来完成。You can do so by clicking the leftmost column in the editor, adjacent to the line on which you want the place the breakpoint.

在这里不会出现歧义,因为运算符总是最左边的元素,而整个表达式的范围也由括号界定。No ambiguity can arise, because the operator is always the leftmost element and the entire combination is delimited by the parentheses.

最左边的部份至最右边的宽度,并非以搜寻列或框线之间的距离来计算,而会比它要小几个像素。The width is computed from the leftmost to the rightmost part. This is not exactly the border or the searchbar but some pixels to the left and right.

这是另一例位于最左侧瓣膜侧的非细菌性细菌性心内膜炎的赘生物。此赘生物的大小很少超过0。5厘米。但是,此赘生物易脱落,形成栓塞。Here is another marantic vegetation on the leftmost cusp. These vegetations are rarely over 0. 5 cm in size. However, they are very prone to embolize.

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此外,注意最左边总是升序排列的。现在,你应该能够计算固有的模式啦。前往源代码部分。Also, notice the leftmost column is always in ascending order. By now, you should be able to figure the inherent pattern. Go on to the source code section.

过去的极左政治对沦陷区文学笼统、简单的否定,阻碍了我们对殖民历史的正确分析和理解,直到今天,也仍然在人们心里留有浓重的阴影。In the past many years, the leftmost policy impaired objective comprehension of colonized history and people are still heavy-hearted nowadays while mentioning that. Mei Niang was such a case.