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行板与快板,可选任何版本。Andante and Allegro, any edition.

为钢琴而作的有变奏的行板。Andante con Variazioni, for piano.

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这一段必须节奏徐缓。This passage must be played andante.

第二乐章是有名的悠扬的行板。Its second movement is the famous Andante Cantabile.

速度是以乐章之间的相互关系为基础的,这一点我认为很重要。I have to know how the andante and presto are going to relate to it.

于是,设计师确定了“纯美,如歌的行板”的设计主题。Then, stylist decided " pure beauty, cantabile andante " design a theme.

整篇小说以及小说里展现着的爱情,仿佛一首如泣如诉的行板,带给读者独特的阅读体验。The whole novel is like a cantabile andante , leading readers to the wonderful world of love.

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马勒第二号交响曲”复活”,第二乐章降A大调,中等的行板。Gustav Mahler Symphony No. 2 "Resurrection", Second Movement in A-flat Major, Andante Moderato.

白丁屋如歌的行板,能否拨动妳灵魂里的琴弦,奏上妳写意的人生。An andante passage of House of tyro , could she touch your deep strings , and play your slipped life ever.

所以,在处理“中速”时,就当确保音乐的速度正处于“行板”与“快板”之间。If it is moderato we are working with then be sure that the music is directed between "andante" and "allegro.

乐曲共分引子、如歌地行板、欢腾的快板、尾声等几部分。Music is divided into Introduction, Andante Cantabile in the joy of the Allegro, and the end parts and so on.

较为实际的情形可能是大气温度在缓慢增加到一定程度后才会迅速升高。A more realistic circumstance might be that the global temperature will rise robustly after an andante increasing.

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以稍快的速度的,通常被认为比快板稍慢,但比行板稍快。主要用于指挥。In a moderately quick tempo, usually considered to be slightly slower than allegro but faster than andante. Used chiefly as a direction.

窗帘帷幔往往最具柔情主义。轻柔的摇曳,渐渐而动的娇羞,优雅的配色似如歌的行板,浪漫温馨。Curtain antependium often has tender feelings principle most. Sway gently, slowly and the charming be ashamed that move, elegant match colors is like cantabile andante , romance is sweet.