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他猛击了一名看守,然后成功地逃跑了。He effected his escape by slogging a guard.

我们真的需要一个更大规模的经济刺激计划。但这将艰难进行。We really do need a bigger stimulus. But it's going to be hard slogging.

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结果今天我们将看到在不必要的重负下生活举步维艰。Today we will look at the results of slogging through life under that extra weight.

我非常清楚与数码流沙艰难搏击的感觉,因为我也曾经经历过。I know how it feels to be slogging through digital quicksand, because I've been there.

这是我们到处拼命吃,同时写下我们爱的食物记录而获得的让人愉快的时刻之一。This is one of the more pleasant parts of slogging away and writing about food you love.

行走在溼地上就像是对溼地上湿软的泥土重击一样。Walking through the wetlands used to be like slogging through a squishy field of wet hay.

“经济正艰难恢复,”杰理温维彼曼说,奥本海默基金的主要经济学家。"The economy is slogging along, " said Jerry Webman, chief economist at OppenheimerFunds.

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我也不知道他们为什么到现在才寄给我,但是在接下来的几天里我将会很忙。Not sure why they weren’t delivered until now, but I’ll be slogging through in coming days.

当汤姆的同砚还在学校苦读时,他依然开首了自己的事业。Tom has opened his own harmfuliness while his classmates are still slogging away at school.

当王先生的同学还在学校苦读时,他已经开始了自己的事业。Mr. Wang has opened his own business while his classmates are still slogging away at school.

要规避这个“循环矛盾”情况,忘了每天要小跑一小时,或要拖着沉重的步伐去健身房。To slip through this Catch-22, forget the idea of jogging for an hour or slogging to the gym.

我花了两个星期走过这荆棘之路,最后我意识到哈兹里特那家伙是坐着马车完成这旅程的。I spent two weeks slogging through nettle beds before I realised the bastard had taken the coach.

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他背着背包、拖着装运食品和工具的雪橇在雪地上跋涉,松软厚实的积雪导致旅途更加艰难。Soft, deep snow made for some tough slogging with his backpack and sled carrying his food and gear.

当汤姆的同学还在学校苦读时,他依然劈头了本身的事业。Tom has opened his own industry while his cljusttmhadvertising campaigns remain slogging down at college.

欧债危机积重难返,继续扰动全球市场,因此,爱尔兰值得关注。Ireland is something to watch closely as Europe's long and slogging debt crisis continues to roil global markets.

那就是两个人,顽强爬过一堆狗屎,年复一年,衰老,改变,就像他妈的马拉松。Just two people, slogging through the shit, year after year, getting older, changing. It's a fucking marathon, okay?

他背着背包、拖着装运食物和工具的雪橇在雪地上跋涉,松软厚实的积雪导致旅途更加艰难。Soft, adidas Copa Mundial, deep snow made for some tough slogging with his backpack and sled carrying his food and gear.

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据媒体报道,援救人员在齐膝的烂泥中艰难穿行,搜寻列城的失踪人员。Rescuers were slogging through knee-deep mud as they searched for the missing in the city of Leh, the news agency reported.

他重新振作,没日没夜地工作,让他的身体和心思无暇顾及自己。When he regained his confidence, he worked hard day and night, slogging his body and mind just to make something out of himself.

当卡车托运着几吨垃圾或公交车步履艰难地从一个公交车站到下一个公交车站时,或许司机们注意不到它们车子的汽油加油泵摇来摇去并格格作响。The shaking and rattling of pumps might not be noticeable while hauling a few tons of trash or slogging from one bus stop to the next.