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采用固体发和酵母分离技术提高酒的品质。High solid ferments and yeast leescontract to highlight textural qualities.

根据孔隙结构特征,将葡萄花油层储层分成4类。Based on textural characters of pore, reservoir is divided into 4 categories.

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由于其快干性,丙烯酸树脂可以建立在几分钟内质地地区。Because of its quick-drying nature, acrylics can build up textural areas within a few minutes.

浊积砂岩的矿物成分成熟度低,结构成熟度较低,杂基含量高。The compositional and textural maturities of turbidites are low while the matrix content is high.

我们之后在香港也试了温热的木瓜,这是个不寻常的口感很好的甜点,强烈推荐。We tried hot papaya later in Hong Kong, it's an unusually nice textural treat, highly recommended.

牙龈出血是牙周病或全身疾病在牙龈组织上出现的一种症状。Gum haemorrhage is a kind of symptom that periodontosis or systemic disease appear in gum textural.

我们认为是“现实主义”绘画往往是指仔细描绘的纹理细节。What we think of as 'realism' in paintings often refers to a careful depiction of textural details.

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笔触、主题、色彩或纹理,这都透露出艺术家的自我。The strokes, the subject matter, the color or textural choices, it all oozes that artist’s personal self.

质构要素包括手感和口感所体验到的坚硬度、柔软度、多汁度、咀嚼性、砂砾度等。Textural factors include hand feel and mouth feel of firmness, softness, juiciness, chewiness, grittiness.

本文讨论了砂屑岩综合结构系数与沉积环境分析的实例。The comprehensive textural coefficient of arenaceous rocks can be used for analysis of sedimentary environments.

艾玛系列通过研究不同质地的壁纸花型开发出自己的作品。Emma has studied the textural structure of different wallpaper patterns to develop her own harmonious compositions.

目前主要认为是饮食结构,代谢紊乱,先天性解剖结构异常。At present mainly thought that is the diet structure, the metabolic disorder, the congenital dissection textural anomaly.

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酒体〈稠度〉,酒的重量在口中呈现的质感,指的是酒精与糖分的混合程度而非滋味的强度。The textural impression of the wine's weight in the mouth, a combination of alcohol and sugar, rather than flavor intensity.

主要是用来吸收水生产粘性流体浆糊和凝胶,并调至所需结构质地。Principally they are used to take up water AND to produce viscous fluidspastes AND gels AND to give desired textural qualities.

根据工程观测实际情况,可知考虑构造应力时破坏顺序基本反映了导流洞破坏的过程。Based on the deformation observation, the results considering textural stress could reflect the real failure process of tunnels.

调节到不同的频率或是交替使用,产生反馈的程度也不同,还有不同的触摸质感可供选择。Tuned to different frequencies or alternated, the result would be resistance of varying degrees, including varying textural feeling.

本文对比系统功能语法与俄罗斯语篇理论,探寻语篇分析的可操作模式。By contrast systematic functional grammar with Russian textural theory, this article researches the practical model of text analysis.

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结果和结论提出了复合水凝胶材料的一种分类体系,其中引入了分子间复合及织构复合等新概念。Results and ConclusionA kind of taxonomy system was advanced in which new concepts of intermolecular composite, textural composite etc.

土豆条的脆、谷物早餐食品的酥、芹菜的咯吱声均属质构特征,而且我们也可以听到。The SNAP of a potato chip, the crackle of a breakfast cereal, and crunch of celery are textural characteristics, but we also hear them.

原油组分决定原油的结构力学性质,使其具有不同的渗流流变特性。The component of crude oil determines its textural mechanical properties, and causes different percolation rheological characteristics.