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如住院部、门诊部。Such as the inpatient and outpatient departments.

他一不耐烦的时候就对人没有好气。He tends to snap at people when he gets inpatient.

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我在住院治疗这段时间里的目标是什么?What is the goal for my time in inpatient therapy?

下午我去了住院部。In the afternoon, I went to the Inpatient department.

军转医院患者在社区医院里接受住院治疗。VA patients are sent to community hospitals for inpatient care.

动辄住院和住院过久是常见问题。Excessive inpatient admissions and length of stay are common problems.

住院病人视频胶囊内镜检查的整体诊断率较高。The overall diagnostic yield was higher for inpatient VCE examinations.

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由于这种表露的干劲,住院病房的氛围很紧张。The atmosphere on an inpatient ward is tense because of this exerted energy.

革兰阴性菌感染所致的中毒性休克是住院病人死亡的主要原因。Septic shock induced by gram negative bacteria is the leading cause of inpatient mortality.

增城市、从化市、花都区、海珠区均未设置精神科病床。There were no psychiatric inpatient beds in Zengcheng, Conghua, Huadu and Haizhu districts.

卡什对15岁到38岁的网瘾患者提供住院治疗和门诊服务。Cash offers inpatient and outpatient care for digital addicts between the ages of 15 and 38.

胃部过境时间但非小肠过境时间,在住院病人的胶囊内镜研究中更长。Gastric transit time, but not small-bowel transit time, was longer in inpatient VCE studies.

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方法对全院所有病区进行调查,总结、分析产生虚假现象的原因。Method To investigate the whole inpatient areas, and find out the reasons of the phenomenon.

每天前去门诊和住院部就诊的人数平均有700,000人。On average, 700,000 Americans are in treatment — inpatient or outpatient — on any given day.

在这一地区的其它很多急诊室都关闭了,住院精神病患者的床位数也下降了。Many EDs in the area have closed, even as the number of inpatient psychiatric beds has declined.

目的探讨住院收治的眼肌麻痹为突出症状的疾病病因及临床特点。ObjectiveTo explore the etiology and clinical features of inpatient characteristic of ophthalmoplegia.

方法应用焦虑自评量表和抑郁自评量表对156名海洛因依赖患者在住院治疗2周后进行评定。Methods Using SAS and SDS to evaluate 156 cases of heroin dependence after two weeks of inpatient care.

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当她从住院部出院后,她仍旧服用抗精神病药物,但是还看分析师。Upon being discharged from inpatient care, she remained on antipsychotic medications, but also saw an analyst.

香港通过了在2009年10月实施新的绩效支付的资源分配制,将使用DRG为夜间急诊服务。Hong Kong adopted a new "Pay for Performance" resource allocation using DRGs for acute inpatient care in 2009-10.

医院设置临床科室30个,医技科室10个,住院病区20个及中心ICU、CCU监护病房。The hospital has 30 clinical departments, 10 medical skill offices, 20 inpatient sections, and ICU and CCU wards.