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英属北美条约令同盟合法。The British North America Act made this Confederation legal.

1870年,马尼托巴湖作为加拿大的一个省加入联邦。In 1870, Manitoba entered Confederation as a Canadian province.

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自从1981年以来,意大利队已经12次捧走欧洲联盟杯。Italy has won the European confederation Cup 12 times since 1981.

统一之前,中国是诸侯国的邦联,叫做“中央王国”。Before that, China was a confederation of states, called "the middle kingdoms".

布里奇特林奇,是国际助产士联合会主席。Bridget Lynch, is the president of the International Confederation of Midwives.

将加拿大的省及地区一一列举出来,并标明它们分别是何时加入邦联的?List each province and territory and tell when each one joined the Confederation.

巫师国际联邦的首脑被称为最高会长。The head of the International Confederation of Wizards is called the Supreme Mugwump.

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有学者认为商朝是方国联盟,从甲骨文“比”字与多王的分析看,这一结论的证据并不充实。The author denies the viewpoint that Shang Dynasty was a confederation of city-states.

闻名中外的联国大桥连交的新不伦瑞克和爱德华王子岛。The world-famous Confederation Bridge connecting New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island.

它是日内瓦州的首府,日内瓦州是瑞士联邦第二小的行政…It 's the capital of the canton of Geneva , second -smallest canton in the Swiss Confederation.

它是日内瓦州的首府,日内瓦州是瑞士联邦第二小的行政区。It's the capital of the canton of Geneva, the second-smallest canton in the Swiss Confederation.

制宪者用联邦政府模式取代了邦联政府模式。The Framers of the Constitution replaced the confederation model of government with a federal model.

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格洛开始赞助的非洲足球联合会非洲年度最佳球员。GLO started the sponsorship of the Confederation of African Football African Player of the Year Award.

新州不断获得批准加入联邦,其数目几乎相当于联邦初建时的州数。New States have been admitted to the Union in numbers nearly equal to those of the first Confederation.

这是瑞典贸易联盟在1951所设计的经济模型的中心思想。It’s at the center of the economic model designed by the Swedish Trade Union Confederation back in 1951.

我有幸在世界经济论坛晚餐前在印度工业联盟上与他们共进晚餐。I had the privilege of sitting at dinner with them at the Confederation of Indian Industry pre-WEF dinner.

1815年之后卢卑克成为松散的德意志联邦的成员州。Lübeck was under French rule from 1811 to 1813 and after 1815 was a member state of the German confederation.

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外交部长李肇星2日在伯尔尼会见了瑞士联邦主席洛伊恩贝格尔。On February 2, Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing met with Swiss Confederation President Moritz Leuenberger in Bern.

“那种日子已经一去不返了,”哈萨克慈善联合会主席席瑞科娃女士说,“现在的企业已私有化。“Those days are over, ” said Ms. Sivryukova of the confederation of Kazakh charities. “Businesses are private now.

获胜者是由来自54个非洲足联的成员国的国家队教练投票选出的。The winner is voted by the national coaches from the 54 countries affiliated to the Confederation of African Football.