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用酒精、电视、体育和性来自我医疗Uses alcohol, TV, sports, and sex to self medicate

接着他们开始谈论了很多药物治疗和医疗保健方案。They started out with a lot of talk about Medicate and Medicare.

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有些人饮酒是为了应付或“医治”感情问题。Some individuals drink to cope with or "medicate" emotional problems.

跟许多人一样,他靠药物来调节压力,赶走焦虑。He was one of many to medicate their stress and worries away with pharmaceuticals.

任何人只要稍通事理,都知道绝不该如此滥服成药。Anyone with a lick of common sense knows that one must never haphazardly medicate oneself.

绝望和焦虑是人们磕药的最大原因,他们也不知道他们在干什么。Depression and anxiety are big reasons people self medicate and they don't realize why they are doing it.

很多时候,家里正在发生一些事情,使孩子只有不断地吃食物,才能克服自己的焦虑。Many times, something is going on at home that is causing this child to medicate their anxiety with food.

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医生说没有必要用药物止痛,那只是个血肿罢了,疼痛会渐渐自行消失。The doctor said that there was no need to medicate my pain, that it was just a hematoma and that the pain would go away by itself.

传统的观点认为,这种关系可以用“自我药疗”来解释,也就是说,人们长期使用药物是为了治疗自身的某种痛苦。The conventional wisdom is the link represents a form of “self-medication” — that is, people are using drugs long-term to medicate their own misery.

漱喉呼气时通过含在口腔后部的液体,头向后倾斜,以达到清理或治疗口腔或咽喉的目的。To force exhaled air through a liquid held in the back of the mouth, with the head tilted back, in order to cleanse or medicate the mouth or throat.

科学家警告我们说,由于我们越来越多地像对待疾病一样通过药物像来对付悲伤,我们从而失去了拥抱自己悲哀一面的机会,也因此从情感上失去了走向成熟的动机。Scientists have warned that growing tendency to medicate against sadness like a disease stops us embracing our miserable side and removes the motivation to mature emotionally.

范文甫因擅用峻剂而被人们所知,他用药大胆,并且收到良好的疗效。Fan Wenfu was famous for using medicine with a high dosage. Though he medicate boldly, he often saved the patients from the edge of death, and it usually brought good curative effect.

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长期财政挑战很大一部分原因,是我们承诺了很多津贴项目,我们承诺给下一代的,医疗保险和社会保险,而现在我们又没法兑现。The long-term fiscal challenge is largely a product of promises in our entitlement programs, medicare, medicate and social security that we have made the future generations that we cannot afford to keep.