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广州BRT的客流量已经超出亚洲的各个其他公交系统。Ridership has already shattered the figures of other bus systems in Asia.

确实,长干线路已经吸引了众多的乘客。Already, the longer routes elsewhere appear to draw much heavier ridership.

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现在证实广州BRT客流量比除北京外中国城市的每条地铁线的客流量都多。Now the system beats out the ridership of every metro line in mainland China except Beijing's.

研究基于模糊推理建立公共交通分担率预测模型的方法。A prediction model of public transportation ridership using the fuzzy inference is presented in this paper.

此外,审核建设16,000公里高铁项目的人与想要建设这些项目的人是同一拔人马。And the ridership projections are vetted by the same people who want to build 16,000 km of high-speed rail.

这与铁路提供的服务有关,但是客流量如此增长,肯定还和油价有点关系。"It depends on the service but certainly our ridership growth is linked to the fuel prices," he said in an interview.

这段线路上上的客流实在太少,没有纳税人补贴的情况下火车很难持续运行。Ridership on this initial segment would be slight, making it impossible to operate the train without taxpayer subsidies.

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这个创新已经增加了低收入群体的乘客数量,即世行的地铁-轨道交通方案的另一个发展目标。This single innovation has boosted ridership for low-income groups, another Bank metrorail program development objective.

但是搭乘公共交通工具和消除旅途足以抵消前面提到的增长。But the increase in public transportation ridership and the elimination of travel more than offset the aforementioned increase.

这促使铁道部周六宣布,由于上座率低,京沪线将降低服务标准。That prompted the Railway Ministry to announce Saturday that it was reducing service on the flagship line as a result of low ridership.

分析人士还认为,冬天骑行率较低,破坏及盗窃造成的损失都将带来沉重的压力。但是分析人士坚定地认为分享单车的前景是光明的。Lower winter ridership and losses from damage and theft also will weigh on bottom lines, they add, but insist the future appears bright.

城市和郊区居民的新的生活方式推动了公共交通的发展,扭转了40年来公共交通客流量日益下降的趋势。The new urban and suburban lifestyles have helped boost public transportation and reversed a 40-year trend of declining transit ridership.

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在燃料高价的带动下,巴士乘客将大大的增加,巴士车队将扩充及巴士将不断升级。Gains will be driven by high fuel prices, which will boost bus ridership and prompt bus fleet expansions and upgrades to more efficient vehicles.

在非集计模型分析的基础上确定近期线路的服务水平及其相应的客流量,并提出配套的实施建议。Based on disaggregate model analysis, water bus ridership with different level of service is estimated, and corresponding implementation strategy is also put forward.

铁道部同时表示,将降低票价以迎合更大的市场需求,高铁线路的建设速度也将放慢,避免快于市场需求增速。The ministry also announced it would reduce ticket prices to boost lagging ridership and would slow construction of high-speed lines to avoid outpacing public demand.

比如佛罗里达州,前期的准备工作已经完成大半,包括征地、环境影响测评和运载能力研究,这些在5年前第一次建设高铁的尝试被布什州长阻止之前就已经完成了。Florida, for example, already did most of the spade work, including land acquisition and environmental-impact and ridership studies before Bush quashed its first HSR effort five years ago.