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美丽的斯拉夫姑娘你又去追赶什么?What were you running after, pretty Slav lass?

泛民族主义在东欧斯拉夫地区,形成了泛斯拉夫主义。PanNationalism formed Pan-Slavism in the region of Slav of East Europe.

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更小的斯拉夫教会是波兰人和捷克斯洛伐克人的东正教会。Smaller Slav Churches are the Polish and Czechoslovak Orthodox Churches.

一旦学会了俄语,你差不多也可以同其他讲斯拉夫语的人交流了。Once you have Russian you can probably communicate with other Slav speakers.

野蛮的日耳曼和斯拉夫则象天真的儿童。And Barbarian Nations such as German and Slav were somewhat like naive children.

在捷克动物冰冷的钢筋之中,这些犀牛的感觉都迟钝了。The senses of these rhinos had been dulled by the cold concrete of Slav zoo life.

欧洲的日尔曼,斯拉夫和凯尔特的古老部落以部落篝火庆祝仲夏。The ancient Germanic, Slav and Celtic tribes in Europe celebrated Midsummer with communal bonfires.

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马汉是“中国威胁”论与“文明冲突”论最早的炮制者。They believed that China would be the stage for the conflicting Anglo Saxon and Slav civilizations.

南方斯拉夫的扎德鲁加是这种家庭公社现存的最好的例子。The Southern Slav zadruga provides the best instance of such a family community still in actual existence.

乌克兰民族文化的起源可以追溯到东斯拉夫部落时期。The origin of the culture of the nationality of Ukraine can be dated back to the period of East Slav tribe.

在一个童话般团结的戏剧性场面中,他们——土库曼人和斯拉夫人——伴随着凄切的音乐在摇摆和轻声歌唱。They swayed and sang faintly to the plangent music – Turc and Slav together – in a tableau of fairytale unity.

据称,沙皇宣布了沙俄“维护塞尔维亚兄弟利益坚定不移的决心”。The tsar, it is stated, has proclaimed Russia's "inflexible resolve to support the interests of her Slav brothers".