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使用连字符-分隔关键字Use hyphens to separate keywords.

有28个关键词不能被当作变量名?Twenty-eight keywords that are blocked?

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根据这些问题精炼您的关键词。Refine your keywords to answer these questions.

关键字中必须包含职位和技能。It should contain job and skill related keywords.

为什么要将这个表限制为每本书只有两个关键字?Why restrict the table to only two keywords per book?

这两个关键字都可以被用作构造函数参数。Both keywords can be used with constructor parameters.

你的简历中有这些关键词,你将会脱颖而出。If your CV has these keywords you could be considered.

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我没大见过通过百度英文关键词进行搜索的,一般是通过谷歌搜索。I don't see a lot English keywords going through Baidu.

文章的中心词或句子是哪些?。What are the keywords or key sentences in this article?

为索引起见,作者们必需提供4到6个关键词。Authors must provide 4-6 keywords for indexing purposes.

列表中何种类型的关键字能够相互支持?What type of keywords from the list support one another?

文字编写人员必须在文本中使用目标关键词。Copywriters must use the targeted keywords in their text.

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看图并根据示范进行问答。Demonstration of the map on selected cancer for keywords.

我们希望在我们的所有关键字的SERP前3名。We want to be top 3 in the serps for all of our keywords.

把这些关键字都加入到你的候选名单中去。Take those keywords and add them to your preliminary list.

因此它制造较多的感觉为特定的牛鼻子字最佳化。Hence it makes more sense to optimize for specific keywords.

它可以搜索一个HTML字符串中指定关键字的文本。It can search an HTML string for given keywords in the text.

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你需要找到合适的中文关键词来优化。You need to find the right Chinese keywords to optimize for.

将关键字插入到页面和代码中的适当位置。Plug keywords into the right locations in your copy and code.

这包括所有的分界符,保留字以及关键字。This includes all the delimiters, reserved words and keywords.