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所以,他把“缅因”战船派去了哈瓦那。So, he sent the battleship "Maine" to Havana.

炮弹把战舰炸碎了。The missile had blown the battleship asunder.

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一艘新战舰从船坞下水。A new battleship was launched from a shipyard.

那艘战舰将装备16英寸口径的大炮。The new battleship will be armed with 16-inch guns.

新战舰将以16英寸口径的大炮武装起来。The new battleship shall be armed with 16-inch guns.

你是否曾有过开着艘护卫舰经过他人战列舰的亲身经历?Have you ever flown past a battleship in your modest frigate.

没有人知道是什么原因引起缅因号军舰发生爆炸。No one knew what caused the explosion on the battleship Maine.

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重型战列舰是巨舰时代的精粹之作。Ship of the Lines were the quintessential battleship of the era.

英国皇家海军战列舰“巴勒姆号”被德国潜艇击沉。The Royal Navy battleship HMS Barham was sunk by German U-boats.

五角大楼的设计为战争年代节约了建造一座战舰的钢材。The design saved enough steel to build one battleship during wartime.

若问谁是”海上A雄“,I卜战列舰莫属。If asked that who is" marine A male ", I divination battleship not is.

吴是至今人类建造过的最大战列舰“大和号”的母港。Kure was the home base of the largest battleship ever built, the Yamato.

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事后,空中侦察表明,该战列舰受伤颇重。Later air reconnaissance showed that the battleship was heavily damaged.

天蛇战列舰不会掉落巡洋级装备了。Cruiser sized modules will no longer drop in Serpentis battleship wrecks.

当暴乱在哈瓦那爆发的时候,他派“缅因”号战船去了那里。When riots broke out in Havana, he ordered the battleship Maine to sail there.

庞大的战舰受到严重的损害,无法再使用。MIGHTY】The mighty battleship was so badly damaged that it could not be used again.

然而,拥有重甲巨炮的战斗舰存在著航速缓慢以及前述的火炮特性限制。A heavily armored battleship would be slow and have similar limitations in gunnery.

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在1994年,它为大西洋舰队赢得了斯特瑞特战舰基金奖。In 1994, she won the Marjorie Sterrett Battleship Fund Award for the Atlantic Fleet.

它们的背部是军舰的灰色,最上方是呈锯齿状的黄色背鳍。Their backs were battleship gray topped with a saw-toothed line of small yellow dorsal fins.

看起来没有主力舰的损失,也许巡洋舰或驱逐舰的损失也不大。Apparently no battleship was lost, and probably not much in the way of cruisers or destroyers.