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我们需要绷带呀。We want some lint.

清理掉干衣机的棉絮。Clean out dryer lint.

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棉绒销量有小幅上升。Lint sales has increased slightly.

把一整卷粘毛器都黏上卷曲的私密毛发。Stick kinky pubes on a lint roller.

现在,它也是“平行林特时间”。Now it's the time of "Parallel Lint".

细线,微尘于午后起舞lint and dust dances in the afternoon

还有纱布和绷带,-好的,我就去找。And lint for bandages. -I'll find some.

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我的肚脐将永远是皮棉免费的。My belly button will always be lint free.

她的手掸掉衣裙上的一点棉花絮。Her hand brushed a speck of lint from her skirt.

毛羽、断头、飞花减少,开台效率提高。Increase textile efficiency, reduce lint and fiber fly.

另外,它还控制'棉花飞'和残留空中皮棉。It also controls 'cotton fly' and residual airborne lint.

你的衬衫上有点棉绒,我帮你拿掉。You have some lint on your shirt, here let me get it off.

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是用酒精清洗指甲和两个皮棉自由抹布?Was the nail cleaned with alcohol and two lint free wipes?

最早的一些月经棉栓是用木头裹上棉绒制成的。Some of the first tampons were made of lint wrapped around wood.

彩色棉的纤维品质性状差、产量低成为制约其大面积生产的主要因素。To colored cotton it is vital to increasing lint yield and improving quality.

清洁林特过滤器在干燥后,每一个负载,以改善空气流通。Clean the lint filter in the dryer after every load to improve air circulation.

当你每次清空洗衣机的甩干机时,可以把清除来的棉絮放在塑料罐里。Each time you empty your lint trap, place the dryer lint into your plastic jug.

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把盖关上,同时用你的棉绒布去除任何明显的灰尘。Close the cover and use your lint free cloth to remove any obvious dirt or dust.

后林特过滤器,溶剂通过吸收装滤。After the lint filter, the solvent passes through an absorptive cartridge filter.

高科技无氨配方效清洁没残余条痕或线头。High-tech ammonia free formula cleans effectively without leaving streaks or lint.