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埃迪对他的新玩具火车着了迷。Eddie is ecstatic over his new train set.

他得知你恢复清白身一定很兴奋。He must be ecstatic about your exoneration.

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哈里什的每个印象都让他狂喜。The very sight of Harish made him ecstatic.

课后我们持续了2个小时令人狂喜的克伊尔坦。After class we had an ecstatic kirtan for over two hours.

活动包括狂喜地跳舞和旋转的苦行僧。A dervish whose actions include ecstatic dancing and whirling.

只一直停留着徘徊着,用欢乐的歌曲来歌唱这些东西。But stop and loiter all the time to sing it in ecstatic songs.

我知道我在比喻和狂喜的辩论中造成了遗误。I see that I have lapsed into parable and ecstatic declamation.

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又或许以为是医病、神迹和各样兴奋的经历。Or you may think of healing, miracles, and ecstatic experiences.

他朗诵时的那种洪亮的节奏,那种心醉神迷,对我已足够了。His ecstatic declamation of the sonorous rhythm was enough for me.

崔帕尼谈到中国的成长潜力时一度欣喜若狂。Mr. Trapani once waxed ecstatic about the growth potential of China.

埃迪现在自由了,他的主人甭提多高兴了。But all's well that ends well. Eddie is now free and his owner ecstatic.

他象一个气象预报员又象一个欣喜若狂的回归光守护神似地露了笑容。He smiled like a weather man, like an ecstatic patron of recurrent light.

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头脑冷静的计算者,是梦想家的严厉惩罚人。The cool-headed reckoner is the stern chastiser of the ecstatic visionary.

我们感到狂喜振奋,在一起编织着我们肯定会展开的未来。Ecstatic and exhilarated, we knit together futures we're certain will unfold.

僧侣与奉献者都惊讶地看到他处于一种神迷的状态。The monk and the devotees looked wonderingly at him in his ecstatic condition.

看看下面的图,我敢打赌他的男朋友一定都乐疯了。One look at this image below, and I am pretty sure the boyfriend will be ecstatic.

整的来说,我这一段写作的时期,对我来说是一段心醉神迷的时期。On the whole the period of which I am writing was for me one of ecstatic excitement.

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当一个女人和自己最好的伴侣计划未来时,她的激情就会欣喜若狂。As the woman makes plans of a future with the perfect mate, her emotions are ecstatic.

当时的我实在兴奋得不能自已——要知道,世上有那么多有才华的网页设计师,可是客户偏偏选中了我诶!I was ecstatic that someone had picked me out of all the talented designers out there.

直到现在,这个作家都还欣喜若地站在制片人椅子旁听他讲着,"安吉莉娜回到了他身边."By now, the writer, who is on the edge of his seat listening to the producer, is ecstatic.