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“天哪,这可是茶。”海恩斯说。By jove , it is tea, Haines said.

我冥想了半个小时,天哪,我感觉好多了。I meditate for half an hour, by Jove I feel better.

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当朱匹特的行星高高升起,默默凝照着非洲的大地。While Jove 's planet rises yonder, silent over Africa.

朱庇特右手发射的霹雳总是寻找高处。Thunderbolt sped by Jove 's right hand sought out the height.

直到他出现之前,基督上帝都以丘比特的名字来提及。Up to this point, the Christian God has been referred to as Jove.

但是照神学诗人们看,天帝约夫并不比山峰高。But for the theological poets Jove was no higher than the mountain peaks.

说躯体就是心灵,这就是不可能,可是人们毕竟相信过打雷的天空就是天帝。It is impossible that bodies should be minds, yet it was believed that the thundering sky was Jove.

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他们相信天帝用些记号来发号施令,这些记号就是实物文字,自然界就是天帝的语言。They believed that Jove commanded by signs, that such signs were real words, and that nature was the language of Jove.

最后她来到吕西亚,怀里抱着朱庇特幼小的子嗣,疲乏不堪,口渴难耐。At last, bearing in her arms the infant progeny of Jove , she reached Lycia, weary with her burden and parched with thirst.

同时提到丘比特和救世主在某种方式上,很明显使人们对暗喻和其所起的作用感到迷惑。To speak both of Jove and of Christ is obviously in some ways to mix your metaphors and the effect can only be disorienting.

对于凡人,马尔斯有时表现得就跟他那美貌的对手、朱庇特的那永不怠倦的女儿密涅瓦一样的复仇心切。Toward mortals Mars could show himself, on occasion, as vindictive as his fair foe, Minerva, the unwearied daughter of Jove.

双方通过友好的谈判与良好的沟通,最终达成共识——在中国合作成立尊威音响有限公司。So after two sides' friendly negotiated and communicated, they draw a common view to creating JOVE Audio Video Co. , Ltd in China.

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因为每一个异教民族都有自己的约夫天帝,而埃及人却凭一种虚骄讹见,说他们的天帝阿蒙再一起天帝之中时最古老的一个。For every gentile nation had its Jove, and the Egyptians had the conceit to say that their Jove Ammon was the most ancient of them all.

朱庇特很生气,于是送给它们一只鹳,这只鹳立刻将一沼泽青蛙吃得干干净净,这时青蛙后悔已经来不及了。Now this made Jove angry, so he sent among them a big Stork that soon set to work gobbling them all up. Then the Frogs repented when too late.

后来柏拉图吧约夫理解为渗透和充塞到一切事物中区的以太。This is the civil history of the expression "All things are full of Jove" by which Plato later understood the ether which penetrates and fills everything.

在早期的抒情诗里,贯穿文艺复兴的始终,丘比特在传统意义上意在,在众多的古典神话中,使上帝意象化,符号化。And as in all of these early lyrics, Jove conventionally throughout the Renaissance is used as a name within these classical fictions to signify the Christian God.

为此,朱庇特命令将普罗米修斯锁在高加索山上的一块绝岩峭壁上,成年累月地受著一头老鹰的折磨,它天天啄食他的肝脏却总不能把它吃光。By Jove 's order Prometheus was chained to a rock on Mount Caucasus, and subjected to the attack of an eagle which, for ages, preyed upon his liver, yet succeeded not in consuming it.

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为此,朱庇特命令将普罗米修斯锁在高加索山上的一块绝岩峭壁上,成年累月地受着一头老鹰的折磨,它天天啄食他的肝脏却总不能把它吃光。By Jove"s order Prometheus was chained to a rock on Mount Caucasus, and subjected to the attack of an eagle which, for ages, preyed upon his liver, yet succeeded not in consuming it."

“天益嘉华人”将以健康事业的永续经营和发展,振兴民族产业,与国际知名保健品企业同台竞争,实现产业报国的宏图大志。Tenet Jove shows broad ambition to revive national healthcare industry, compete with the top international healthcare companies and maintaining the sustainable development of the healthcare industry.