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他亲口说的。He said it himself.

不要冻坏了自己。Don't freeze himself.

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他把自己关在里面。He barred himself in.

他已流亡出去了。He has exiled himself.

他不再是只黑灰丑陋的鸟,他竟然是一只天鹅!He was himself a swan!

他必须亲自干那事吗?Must he do it himself.

他对自己说。And he said to himself.

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自己去发现它?Discover it by himself?

斯潘塞谴责自己。Spencer blamed himself.

男孩胡乱地把自己塞饱。The boy gorged himself.

他举止不良。He demeaned himself ill.

他已发迹了。He has bettered himself.

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他使自己的脸上沾着泥。He muddies himself face.

他叫嚷得嗓子都哑了。He raved himself hoarse.

他行为不正派。He conducts himself well.

他暗笑自己傻气。He laughed himself silly.

这是伦勃朗的自画像Here's Rembrandt himself.

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彼得大帝本人是怎么样的What about Peter himself?

他表现很好。He acquitted himself well.

他进城去了。He betook himself to town.