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她的头发是天然卷曲的。Her hair curls naturally.

她的头发自然地成波浪形。Her hair waves naturally.

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一起谈说,自然又亲切。Say it together, naturally.

她儿子自然反对。Her son rebelled, naturally.

她的头发是天然鬈曲的吗?Does her hair curl naturally?

之后就顺其自然。After that, it all flows naturally.

我是个很有求知欲的人。I'm a very curious person naturally.

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你本自然而来,亦自然而去。Come naturally ,and back the same way

棉花本是自花授粉的。Cotton is naturally self-pollination.

自然成长恰合中庸。Growing naturally hits the happy mean.

葡萄中天然含有苹果酸。Malic acid occurs naturally in grapes.

人类天生就是群居动物。People are naturally social creatures.

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有的人长着天然卷发。Some people have naturally frizzy hair.

当然,我很高兴他们会这样说。I'm happy that they say that, naturally.

没人生来就会使用筷子。Using chopsticks doesn't come naturally.

人类本能地不喜欢无聊的感觉。People naturally do not LIKE being bored.

一切都应该是白帽子,自然。Everything should be white-hat, naturally.

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氟是一种自然形成的矿物质。Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral.

它是修久了将来自然地发生的事情。It is something that will arise naturally.

肌肉组织会随着年龄而自然减少。Muscle mass naturally diminishes with age.