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该患者CD4多少?CT片子能发上来?How about CD4? Can send CT film here?

CT采用胶体金斑点法,UU等均采用培养法。Using colloid golden spot to detect CT.

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CT上高密度的皮样囊肿是非常少见。CT Hyperdense dermoids are extremely rare.

全身的计算机断层扫描有过多的辐射?Too Much Radiation From Full-Body CT Scans?

姜暮烟帮他们安排在CT室。Ginger both smoke to help them in CT chamber.

这是我的母亲CT骨盘考试报告。This is my mother CT PELVIS examination report.

我又作了CT扫描,核磁共振成像和结肠镜检查。So did the CT scan, the MRI and the colonoscopy.

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垂体CT为冠状位增强扫描。The pituitary CT was coronal strengthen scanning.

CT也显示骨性骨盆的详尽影像。CT also offers detailed imaging of the bony pelvis.

肺CT扫描显示纵隔淋巴结肿大。CT scan of the lung reveals mediastinal adenopathy.

UU检出率与年龄有关,集中发生于性活跃期。Detected rates of CT and UU were related to the age.

CT有助于叶间积液的诊断。CT is useful in the diagnosis of interlobar effusions.

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目的分析回盲部恶性淋巴瘤的CT表现。Objective To discuss CT features of ileocecum lymphoma.

CT扫描在螺钉周围也未发现透亮线出现。And there was no bright line found in the CT expression.

另外CT对胼胝体梗死不敏感。Besides , CT is insentive to corpus callosum infarction.

目的探讨颅底骨折的CT表现及诊断价值。Objective To discuss CT findings of skull base fracture.

结果所有9例腹膜内型膀胱破裂,CT均明确诊断。Results IPBR was detected on CT scans in all 9 patients.

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电脑断层摄影证实肝右叶有一巨形低密度肿瘤。CT confirmed a large low attenuation right hepatic tumor.

结果CT示瘤体较大,多成类圆形或卵圆形。Results Tumors were bigger, more CT of circular or ovoid.

目的评价CT扫描对肝脓肿的诊断价值。Objective To evaluate the role of CT of hepatic abscesses.