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那就是,究竟是什么造就了一个类星体。That is what makes a quasar.

类星体和星系哪一个形成在前呢?Which came first, the quasar or the galaxy?

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类星体是“类似恒星射电源”的缩写。Quasar is short for quasi-stellar radio source.

这个类星体似乎无依无傍,不在任何一个星系当中。This quasar was the only one without a known host galaxy.

天文学家已经几乎确认,它曾经存在一个类星体的阶段。It almost surely once had a quasar phase, astronomers say.

这些合并会在星系进化的过程中促成类星体阶段的到来。Such mergers can generate a quasar phase of galactic evolution.

这个巨大的黑洞位于35亿光年外的类星体OJ287中。The monster lurks in quasar OJ287 3.5 billion light-years away.

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在几百万年的时间里,类星体和伴星系将会合并在一起。Within a few million years, both quasar and galaxy will have merged.

绿色的气体云通常被看做是泯灭后的类星体的余烬,能用肉眼观察到。The green gas cloud is now essentially a delayed, optical echo of the dead quasar.

图中这颗橙色的类星体位于一个巨大、且不规则形状的星系中心。The quasar is the orange object at the center of the large, irregular-shaped galaxy.

一个类星体比1000亿个恒星组成的星系还要亮1000倍。A single quasar can be 1,000 times brighter than an entire galaxy of 100 billion stars.

在我们目前所掌握的星系建立和毁灭的图景中,存在着一个短暂的类星体阶段。In our current picture, as every galaxy forms and collapses, it has a brief quasar phase.

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他们比较类星体光谱与实验室的测量结果中,吸收线间的距离。They compared the spacing between these lines in quasar spectra with laboratory measurements.

2010年的款式色彩有珍珠冷白,Siena珍珠红,Nightstar珍珠黑和Quasar金属银。Colours for 2010 are Pearl Cool White, Pearl Siena Red, Pearl Nightstar Black and Quasar Silver Metalic.

在一个典型的类星体周围,剧烈活动的恒星构造的爆发看起来会持续大约一两千万年。Bursts of intense star formation seem to last about 10 million to 20 million years around a typical quasar.

佩提特金与史坎纳皮科正合作探讨类星体光谱中观测到的重元素群集现象。Petitjean and Scannapieco are working together on the clustering of heavy elements observed in quasar spectra.

但是现在科学家们发现,一颗没有挂靠主星系的类星体显然在大量地制造出新恒星。But scientists have now found a quasar that's apparently churning out new stars in the absence of a host galaxy.

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最新资料表明类星体能泯灭,这是一个科学史上的重要发现。What makes the discovery scientifically important is that it's the first evidence of how fast a quasar can shut down.

本文介绍了类星体吸收线的性质并评述了近年来类星体吸收研究的最新进展。The Properties of quasar absorption lines are introduced and the new progress in study of QSO absorption lines is reviewed.

该类星体点亮了附近的气体,虽然该类星体已经耗尽,但光仍在该物体中旅行。This quasar lit up the nearby gas, and although the quasar has since gone out, the light from it is still travelling to the object.