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你可以开那台拖拉机。You may steer the tractor.

那么就转舵向基督山。Then steer FOR Monte Cristo.

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采用KVP塑钢流化专用传送带。KVP plastic steer carry belt.

杰克抛出绳索套住了那头小公牛。Jack dabbed his rope on the steer.

请帮助我们朝着正确的方向行驶。Help us steer to the right direction.

最终,只有你才能引导自己的生活。Ultimately, only you can steer your life.

“我只消朝西南航行就成,”他说。I'll just steer south and west, " he said."

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再次乘船南偏东航行。Again taking ship, South by East if you steer.

我满怀希望地驾驶航船,把恐惧抛在后面。I steer my ship with hope, leaving fear behind.

当牛倒地时,牛的脖子已经断了。When he fell, the steer suffered a broken neck.

有两种不同的方法来指导一卧位。There are two different ways to steer a recumbent.

但现在,我就避谈交通流量大的区域了。But for now, I’d steer clear of high traffic areas.

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女性可以选择其作为套装颜色,而男性则应与其划清界线!Women can pull it off as a suit, but men steer clear!

朝有灯的方向开,我们就到达港口了。Steer towards the light, and we may reach the harbour.

最后,球迷的情绪变得无法控制了。The fan's feelings finally became impossible to steer.

她说要避开个体的黑车,比如刚才的那辆。She said to steer clear of private cabs, like this one.

引导我不在怪物的兽穴上方,好吗!Just don ' t steer me over the monster ' s lair , okay !

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宰杀了的完全成长的阉牛、未阉割的牛、公牛或母牛的肉。The flesh of a slaughtered full-grown steer bull ox or cow.

此时,离合器是你的大敌,千万不要动它!At this stage, your clutch is your enemy, steer clear of it!

学问如风送帆动,还得明理好把舵。When knowledge hoists the sails, let reason steer the wheel.