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叫咩名第三个火枪手?。What was the name of the thrid Musketeer?

他下降阴府,第三日从死者中复活。He descended to the dead. On the thrid day He rose again.

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无疑,这些传球要是发生在进攻三区会更好。Of course it was better if those passes were in the final thrid.

第三段以凝灰岩、铁质白云岩、晶屑凝灰岩、火山角砾岩为主。The thrid part are tuff, ferruginous dolomite, crystal tuff and volcanic breccia.

第三章探讨了皇室女性特殊地位的影响和实质。The thrid chapter analyses the effects and substances of the special status of royal women.

的确如此,印度会一直待在第三世界。永远也不能成为澳大利亚、英国或者加拿大。True yaar, India will always remain a thrid world country. It can never be Australia, UK or Canada.

你消息细则第十五保持安全可靠的,我们决不出售或交易的任何个人信息向任何第三方公司。You information is kept safe and secure and we never sell or trade any personal information to any thrid party companies.

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正文第三部分,“山西省回国留学人员科研基金资助的成就与启示”。The thrid section is about "achievements and inspiration of subsidizing of overseas returnee research fund in Shanxi province".

现在,我宣布武汉大学第二届英语配音比赛决赛现在开始。让我们共同期待选手们的精彩表现!Now, starts the thrid Wuhan University English moive dubbing Competition . Let's look forward to the contestants' wonderful performances!

结果表明,无论是对于第三类激光系统还是对于第四类激光系统,哈肯激光方程的自脉冲解都是不稳定的。The result shows that the self-pulsing solutions are always unstable either for the thrid of laser systems or for the fourth class of laser systems.

从企业的角度来讲,质量审核的重点指向应该是供应商产品和制造过程,从而不同于第三方机构,如认证咨询公司对通行的质量管理体系的审核。From company side, the key of quality audit will focus on product and manufacturing process, it will be different from thrid party audit, focus on quality management system.