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我对她咆哮,汪汪汪。I snarl at her and bark.

这只狗发出低沉的吠声。The dog gave a low snarl.

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那条狗呲着牙低声吼叫。The dog bared its teeth in a snarl.

它可以结束严重的交通混乱局面。It can break up a bad traffic snarl.

一只困倦的冰原狼抬头看着空气。A sleeping direwolf raised his head to snarl at empty air.

“不白痴!”铁渣和嚎叫难得有这么一致的时候,同声抗议着。"Not idiot! " Slag and Snarl both protested, almost in unison.

他大吼一声,吼声中尖叫高于吠声,又站了起来,扑向空中。With a snarl that was again on his feet and launched into the air.

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华盛顿的那些记者们每日在媒体上朝着对方怒吼叫喊。Washington journalism hams snarl and shout at each other on television.

“哈哈,”狮子大吼一声,跳出来大声说,“现在我可逮着你了。"Aha, " shouted the lion, leaping out with a snarl. " I've got you now.

少年时代那个不满的我想要怒吼说我当然没有。The teenage malcontent in me wants to snarl back that of course I'm not.

在显示器上--图像不断被放大,直到Jake的脸清晰的展现在人们眼前,像咆哮的野兽一样定在那里。ON MONITOR -- the image expands, until Jake’s face is clear, frozen in an animal snarl.

“我没扔任何东西,”杰克刚开了个头,就被勒荣低沉的咆哮所打断。"I didn't throw anything, " he started to say, when Lron's gurgling snarl interrupted him.

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共和党为此猛烈抨击民主党,认为美国人每摁一下灯的开关都会被课税。Republicans snarl that Democrats want to tax Americans every time they flip a light switch.

深吸了一口气。‘咳咳咳’的呛声在小屋荡漾的回音着。Deeply preoccupied an one breath. 'Cough'of snarl the reverberate that ripples in the cabin.

他正瞧着海狼赖生,从前的不能和解的憎恨的表情,依旧强烈地留在他的脸上。He was looking at Wolf Larsen, the old and implacable snarl of hatred strong as ever on his face.

如果月亮穿出云层,也许轰炸机就会飞来,在天空中发出凶恶的咆哮。If the moon cuts through the clouds, the bombers will come, filling the sky with their angry snarl.

这摩托带着一阵风声,排气的咆哮声,轰然落在了对面的楼墙上面。This motor takes a rupture of information, snarl exhaust, bomb however fall at opposite building wall altitude.

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对于大多数人来说,它更像是一个意面式的纽结——许多小小的障碍结成小疙瘩,最后产生了低生产率。For most people it’s more like a spaghetti snarl — many small impediments that knot together to create the underproductivity.

这张照片就像由巴里·汉弗莱斯配音的张牙咧嘴的Bruce咆哮着由亚历山大·古尔德配音的Nemo。The image strongly resembles the toothsome snarl of Bruce, played by Barry Humphries, as he faced Nemo, played by Alexander Gould.

图中中国北部省份河北,煤炭运输车辆在207国道排起长龙,在塞车顶峰时候被称作“世界最严重的塞车”。Coal trucks snarl up National Highway 207 in north China's Hebei province at the height of what became known as the “world’s worst traffic jam”.