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參赛者必须在此点之上开始及终结。Competitors must start and finish the kata at this point.

它看起来非常完美,有真正的「型」。It appeared to be the perfect tuna, a vision of true kata.

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重复演译同一指定形,是不会被取消资格的。In Shitei kata a contestant who repeats a kata will not be disqualified.

型表演比赛中途,不得脱掉空手道衣服。I. The karate-gi jacket may not be removed during the performance of Kata.

在解释的列表中,如有32位选手参赛,需演绎多少套指定形?In the explanatory table how many Shitei kata are required if there are 32 competitors?

选手于每一回合必须表演不同的型。一但表演过的型不能重复。Contestants must perform a different Kata in each round. Once performed a Kata may not be repeated.

但是,无论在家还是在工作时,他都可以闭上眼睛,在脑海里过一遍某个“形”的每个动作。While at home or work, he will, however, close his eyes and mentally go through every move in a kata.

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他在那天失去了两个兄弟。"Because we were Shia. That was the only reason " says Mohsin Moisafid 55 of Kata Khona who lost two brothers that day.

为了适当的表演型,一个稳固平整的场地是必须的。一般来说铺垫子的对打场地是合适的。I. For the proper performance of Kata a stable smooth surface is required. Usually the matted Kumite areas will be suitable.

此拳主要手型为凤眼拳、柳叶掌,拳术套路主要有小念头、寻桥和标指3套拳及木人桩。This fist main hand type as Eichhornia Boxing, willow palm, boxing routine mainly small thought, to find the bridge and the standard refers to three Kata and the wooden dummy.

乌卢鲁是一块巨大的独石柱,而卡塔曲塔则是穹顶形巨石,位于乌卢鲁西部,它们共同构成了世界上最古老人类社会传统信仰体系的一部分。Uluru, an immense monolith, and Kata Tjuta, the rock domes located west of Uluru, form part of the traditional belief system of one of the oldest human societies in the world.

比如,第一个“形”是练习假如与一个带刀的对手正面相遇时怎样搏击,而更为复杂的第七个“形”是练习怎样从左方、右方和前方袭击对手。The first one, for example, practices encountering a single armed opponent from the front, whereas the seventh and more advanced kata imitates an attack from the left, right and front.

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选手在表演指定型或得意型的当中暂停,或表演的型和所喊出来的不同或是与分数台登记的不同,将会失去资格。A contestant who comes to a halt during the performance of Shitei or Tokui Kata, or who performs a Kata different from that announced or as notified to the score table will be disqualified.