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这个菜里调味品加得太多了。There is too much flavouring in the dish.

她做菜很喜欢用辣椒油调味。She likes flavouring dishes with chili oil.

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用调香调味酒改造。Regulation of the liquor with flavouring liquor.

然后加入剩下的糖和香料。Then fold in the rest of the sugar and flavouring.

溴化植物油是在制造饮料调味剂时使用的食物添加剂。BVO is a food additive used in flavouring for beverages.

帕莱个哦沛做了下了药的水香糕。A well done nothing down the medicine of water flavouring.

厨师在这块蛋糕里放了太多的香草调味料。The cook has put too much vanilla flavouring in this cake.

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这种酸乳酪不含人造香料或著色剂。This yoghurt contains NO artificial flavouring or colouring.

希腊香料往往特点是使用薄荷和肉豆蔻。Greek flavouring is often characterised by the use of mint and nutmeg.

实际的产品是由二氧化碳的水、糖、食品色和调味香料制成的。The actual product is made of carbonated water, sugar, colouring and flavouring.

这种金黄色香料常用于染色和微调味料。Brightly yellow in colour, the spice is used for colouring and subtle flavouring of food.

列下的虾头可用来煮味噌汤,不要丢掉。Retain the head of the shrimp after removing as a flavouring for miso soup and other dishes.

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罗马人添加炭粉、树皮粉以及更多的调味剂来改善气味。The Romans added powdered charcoal, powdered bark and more flavouring agents to improve the breath.

他们发现无糖糖果和饮料中有一种目前还无法确认其危害的酸性食品调味剂。They found there was an 'unrecognised risk of acidic flavouring in sugar-free candies and beverages.'

根据该方案进行技术改造,加香计量精度可得到明显的提高。The technical improvement base on this scheme can improve measuring precision of flavouring obviously.

该产品可直接用鲜番茄加工成天然浓缩汁,或将番茄酱稀释并加入香料而成。It may be produced as an NFC juice straight from raw tomatoes, or by diluting paste and adding flavouring.

英国许多菜肴都喜欢放伍斯特沙司,包括生的、熟的,他们尤其喜爱以其佐牛肉食用。Worcester sauce is a flavouring used in many dishes, both cooked and uncooked, and particularly with beef.

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如果我们监测检测到您之前食用过其它品牌的方便面,您购买的方便面内将不配调料。If we found you have eaten another type of instant noodle, our products will be sold to you without flavouring.

本品先用上等新鲜土豆,经优质植物油烹炸制成。This product is a combination of selected fresh potato and flavouring essence, fired in high quality plant oil.

花生蛋白粉可用于肉类制品、谷物焙烤制品、饮料、冷食以及副食品、调味品和休闲食品。The peanut meal could be used in meat and cereal roasted products, beverage, flavouring and cold drinks and shacks.