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给我的一切,你不过是在敷衍。For mine all, you are being perfunctory.

他在会上讲了些不痛不痒的话。He made some perfunctory remarks at the meeting.

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接着是循例的欢迎拥抱。Then there was a perfunctory embrace of welcome.

他擦身而过,朝人群敷衍地挥了挥手。He brushed by with a perfunctory wave to the crowd.

有种人可以永远假装微笑从来不痛。A man can always pretend to smile never perfunctory.

这个懒惰的小男孩随随便便洗了下他的脸。The lazy little boy gave his face perfunctory washing.

这就就是焦急的根源因为这是一个破坏气氛的经常被问到的问题。It is a source of anxiety because it is a perfunctory question frequently asked.

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俄罗斯在对其入侵行为进行辩解的时候表现的非常敷衍,宣称此举是为了保护俄罗斯公民。Russia has made perfunctory attempts to justify the invasion. It claimed that it was defending Russian citizens.

两封信函都是敷衍了事,胜者和败者都希望对方以及太太身体健康,诸如此类。Both missives were perfunctory — winner and loser wishing each other well, best to your wife, that kind of thing.

去年的创作就是以饮料瓶为原材料,这使得我在对艺术创作的思考中有了一份对地球肤浅的感悟。Last year's pop-bottle based work taught me to put earth as a perfunctory concern in how I think about art making.

虽然证管会已要求分部报告,什麽出现在一份年度报告,往往是含糊或敷衍。Though the SEC already requires segment reporting, what appears in an annual report often is vague or perfunctory.

因此,假若我今天呈现的简短研究显得比较肤浅的话,我希望你们能够原谅我。So if the brief study which I shalt lay before you to-day is more perfunctory than it should be, I hope you will excuse me.

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在漫长的工作过程中,梅尔多总是在想法设法改进锤子的每一个细节,绝不敢疏忽大意。During long working process, Malodor was always thinking of improving hammers' every detail, never be perfunctory about working.

那晚,力宏演出完美,一展他的舞姿、风趣和音乐才能。That night, Leehom delivered a polished performance, executing his dancing, bantering and musicianship with perfunctory precision.

它打开交谈,和当许多家伙将给一个简短的,敷衍塞责的答复,他们可能和它说任何东西和去任何地方。It opens the conversation, and while many folks will give a short, perfunctory answer, they can say anything and go anywhere with it.

他从露丝的信中每一行缺乏热情的官样文章里看出她并不认可,而她是对的。She knew they were failures, and he read her disapproval in every perfunctory and unenthusiastic line of her letter. And she was right.

可是两个月过去了,周雷的话并未兑现,对林静的态度也急转直下,敷衍和拖延代替了鲜花和问候。But two months later, Zhou Lei, then did not deliver on Lin's attitude also came and perfunctory and delays in lieu of flowers and greetings.

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梵蒂冈的商务礼俗,容易为他们爽快的作风锁所昧而疏于防范,可是,他们是绝对不马虎的。Vatican's business customs, style of easy for them to readily lock to prevent the ignorance and neglect, but they are certainly not perfunctory.

王新严对谢小诺不承担家庭事务,每次都叫外卖的敷衍态度深恶痛绝,硬性要求谢小诺再补做一天。Wang Xinyan Xie Xiaonuo not to take family affairs, and every time a takeout perfunctory attitude, rigid request Xie Xiaonuo and again for a day.

后在别的城市被敷衍甚至忽略的早餐,被武汉人随意而隆重的提升“过年”般“过”的位置。" Later in other cities have been ignored even perfunctory breakfast, is free and grand Wuhan people to enhance the "New Year", like "have" position.