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用于皮肤真菌感染。For fungal skin infections.

另例真菌性肉芽肿。Here is another fungal granuloma.

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另一个问题是真菌感染。Fungal infections are another concern.

攻瑰容易患真菌病。Roses are very prone to fungal disease.

真菌类分类仍然是未定形的。Fungal classification is still unsettled.

用于皮肤真菌疾病以及手足癣。Fungal skin disease, hand and foot chapped.

它看起来就像疯狂的真菌感染。It looked like a fungal infection gone berserk.

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“教课的是一位凶猛的遗传学家”,他说。"It was taught by a fungal geneticist, " he says.

脚气,香港脚皮肤的一种细菌性感染,尤其是。A fungal infection of the skin, especially athlete's foot.

目的探讨霉菌性鼻窦炎的诊断与治疗方法。Objective To discuss diagnosis and treatment of fungal sinusitis.

赭曲霉毒素A是一种真菌毒素,也被认为是可能的人类致癌物。OTA is a fungal toxin also considered a possible human carcinogen.

真菌感染较多的发生在大拇趾的趾甲上。Fungal infections occur in toenails more often than in fingernails.

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如果刨花保持干爽那么真菌的问题应该不会出现。If the shavings are kept dry then fungal problems should not occur.

为避免真菌感染,可以使用一些必要的软膏。In case of any fungal infection, necessary ointments can be applied.

形成黄指甲的最常见的原因是真菌感染。One of the most common causes of yellow nails is a fungal infection.

这些生物杀灭剂的相对功效是取决于真菌的种类。Relative efficacy of those biocides was dependent on fungal species.

股癣是一种真菌在腹股沟区的瘙痒性皮炎。Tinea cruris is a fungal pruritic dermatitis in the inguinal region.

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还有一些发现指向了病毒和真菌病原体的协同作用。Some findings pointed to viral and fungal pathogens working together.

寄生的抗病性的病原菌的毒力在杂交中是势均力敌的。Host resistance and fungal virulence parallel each other in the cross.

目的探讨眼外伤真菌感染致角膜溃疡的治疗方法。Objective To discuss the treatment effect of fungal cornea inflamation.