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出现这种情况应平心静气地找原因。Happen to be looking for reasons dispassionately.

当一个辩论者不动感情于争辩,他只是为争辩而辩。When an arguer argues dispassionately he thinks only of the argument.

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在此基础上,冷静地对其反思,并得出自己的结论。On this basis, the author rethinks it dispassionately and draws a conclusion.

但是多梅尼力卡说自己正在冷静思考路在何方。But Domenicali insists he is thinking dispassionately about what road to take.

我希望用工具约束你有效地,冷静的去做。I hope to equip you with the tools to do this effectively and dispassionately.

可是一个敌人倒下去,就有另外一个补上来,继续冷漠地射击。But with each enemy down, another moved up to take its place, firing dispassionately.

我们不妨冷静地看看最后一个月发生了什么。Let us now look dispassionately at what has happened over the last month. Let's talk business.

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尽可能平静、冷静地仔细分析计划失败的原因。Analyze exactly how and why your plan went off the rails, as calmly and dispassionately as you can.

安迪·杜佛尼也走上证人席为自己辩护,他很冷静、镇定、不带感情地述说自己的故事。Andy Dufresne took the stand in his own defence and told his story calmly, coolly, and dispassionately.

讲话者正在用语言客观地,清楚地,完全冷静地来讲述正在发生着的事情。The speaker is putting into words what is happening, objectively, clearly, and totally dispassionately.

这种能力就是让你可以不带感情地看着一行文字,并不会因为是你自己写的就觉得跟它有什么归属感。It's that ability to look at a line dispassionately and not feel attached to it just because you've written it.

当然,这是不可能的,我希望我们的人们能够冷静的这件事情和发表公平的意见。Of course, it is not possible. I expect our people to look at the issue dispassionately and express fair comment.

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吉迪安·达纽非常重视冷静考虑复杂问题,然后找到理性解决方案的能力。Giddean Danu put great stock in his ability to weigh complicated matters dispassionately and arrive at a reasoned solution.

即便第一个“失去的十年”名副其实,冷静地看待过去的十多年日本的经济表现,“第二个失去的十年”则是一个名不副实的说法。Look dispassionately at Japan's economic performance over the past ten years, though, and “the second lost decade”, if not the first, is a misnomer.

造成冷静得讨论日本的考古学如此困难的原因是,日本人对历史的解释,深深的影响了如今的思维习惯。What makes it especially difficult to discuss Japanese archeology dispassionately is that Japanese interpretations of the past affect present behavior.

没错,记者应该适当地保持距离,但并不意味着要冷漠地干等着一位母亲和她的孩子活活饿死。Journalists should keep a certain distance, yes, but that doesn’t mean that we dispassionately chronicle the death of a starving mother and her children.

如今科学受到如此尊重,原因之一在于科学家的形象是一个冷静地收集数据,不带任何偏见,寻求真理的人。One reason why science is so respected these days is that the image of the scientist is of one who dispassionately collects data in an impartial search for truth.

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平心静气的说,这里的生活比以前要好了许多,不至于再饿死人了,比起非洲那些战乱中的人们,所有中国人都是幸运的。Dispassionately speaking, life here is much better than before, no more starving people, compare with people in truceless Africa, all the Chinese people are lucky one.

但是关于需要更改的潜在性机构过程和活动的问题-这正是价值流图所追寻的-最好得到冷静的处理。But questions about potential organizational processes and activities that need to change – which is what Value Stream Maps are targeting – are best addressed dispassionately.

一种心理调查方法,认为心理学家是客观的科学家,离开被试冷静地观察。An approach to psychological enquiry which challenges the idealized view of he psychologist as an objective scientist, standing apart from the subject matter and observing it dispassionately.