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现在它们是主流。They are now mainstream.

目标是实现“绿色会计”主流化Goal to Mainstream Green Accounting

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充满浪漫气息的色彩也是主流之选。Romantic hues are also the mainstream.

苹果现在是主流的缩影。Apple is now the epitome of mainstream.

但现在,网上银行已经成为主流。But today, online banking is mainstream.

偷偷摸摸可能成为主流。A furtive activity could become mainstream.

“注蓅即将发甡,”哈恩说。"Mainstream is about to occur, " says Hahn.

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虽然很多事他都随大流,但也有例外。He is mainstream on most issues, but not all.

他的观点将会棘突主流的历史学家。His view will infuriate mainstream historians.

这已经不再是主流观点了。This is actually no longer the mainstream view.

主流媒体和“旧式”媒体走到了一个岔路口。Mainstream or "old" media face a fork in the road.

产品以琉璃、玉石、合金为主流。Products to glass, jade, alloy into the mainstream.

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没有资金投入这种非主流的研究。It is not well-funded. It is not mainstream research.

这些流浪者曾经是印度的主流。These wanderers were once part of India's mainstream.

发展应该是联合国改革的主线。Development should be the mainstream of the UN reform.

对于“潮人”来说,成为“非主流”是件痛并快乐着的事情。Hipsters take pains and pride in not being mainstream.

突然之间,你移出了主流环境。All of a sudden you move outside the mainstream milieu.

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但主流用户真的完全对电子书阅读器不在意吗?But will mainstream users bother with e-readers at all?

LibraryThing看起来是第一个主流的网站应用。LibraryThing appears to be the first mainstream web use.

主流技术媒体也在发出召回的呼声。And the mainstream tech press is flexing the R-word, too.