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他说,在这个背景下,泗洪的民间高利贷升温。He said, "in this context, Sihong folk usurious warming."

石国豹被认为是民间高利贷风潮的“爪王”。Shi Guobao was considered a folk usurious agitation" claw king".

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而石集乡的民间高利贷也就是从那时开始。While the stone village folk usurious namely thenceforth begins.

温州为什么房地产人民很难高利贷之一。Wenzhou why real estate people finding it difficult to usurious one.

价钱不菲,但整个星期还是有10,000人参加。Despite the usurious prices, 10,000 people attended throughout the week.

在这种情况下,没有房地产条件高利贷。Under such circumstances, there is no real estate conditions were usurious.

调查显示,民间追讨高利贷的恶性事件已有发生。Investigation shows, folk usurious the malignant event has occurred to recover.

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例如,在高利贷利率,提高产业的一个重要措施。For example, on the usurious rates that enhance the industry one of important measures.

尤其是在农村高利贷无处不在无孔不入表现得非?。Be ina country especially usurious nowhere is absent be all-pervasive behave very actively.

一次偶然的机会,她亲眼目睹大华被高利贷追债。Accidental opportunity, her saw with one's own eyes is witnessed big China by usurious chase after debt.

为攫取高利润,甘当打一枪换一个地方的游击队。The usurious that it is seize embellish, pleasant should hit one gun to change the guerrilla of a place.

内部人士称,传言使得石国豹等人丧失信誉。他们带动的高利贷网络一下子崩盘。Insiders said that the loss of credibility, Shi Guobao et al. They drive the usurious network suddenly collapse.

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他们最早期的改革包括降低高利贷利率、修建了几家医院和几条公路。Among the earliest changes they wrought was to reduce usurious interest rates, and build a few hospitals and roads.

他在世界上欠下的每一笔帐,包括高利贷的当铺债务,加在一起也不到一百元。Every debt he owed in the world, including the pawnshop, with its usurious interest, amounted to less than a hundred dollars.

即使有了这些管制,得到银行贷款还是很困难,在许多农村地区,高利贷者仍大行其道。Even with these rules, access to bank credit is very limited. In much of the countryside, usurious moneylenders still hold sway.

但现在他面临的高利贷债务仓促扩大他的生意,他将被杀死,除非他扫清了债务的一个月。But now he faces usurious debts from a hasty expansion of his business, and he will be killed unless he clears the debt in one month.

储备银行手中的钱给一个'举行银行贷款谁华丽的钱第三世界国家的高利贷利率。The Reserve Bank hands the money over to a 'holding bank' who lavishly loans the money to Third World countries for usurious rates of interest.

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如果这是一个高利贷产业在国民经济中有较大影响的行业,国家经济将产生严重后果。If this is a usurious industry in the national economy has a greater impact on the industry, the national economy will have serious consequences.

小室哲哉以前控股的股份制建筑公司,也从投资变成了六成以上的高利融资。Tetsuya previous chamber Holding construction of joint-stock companies, the investment turned into more than 60 percent of the usurious financing.

这些中小企业无法以合理的贷款利率从银行获得贷款,他们因此只好求助于所谓高利贷放贷机构。These companies, cut off from bank loans at reasonable rates of interest, had turned instead to supposedly usurious moneylenders, known as the curb market.