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我们正在用电话推销化妆品。We are telemarketing cosmetics.

那我要被调到电话行销部了。So I'm being transferred to telemarketing.

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有效的电话销售中的要点。The key points of effective telemarketing.

在我的这篇论文里,我着重介绍了电话营销的含义以及技巧。I mainly introduce the meaning and tactics of telemarketing in my paper.

我把你的电话给了我友人那家电话出卖公司。I gaudio-videoe your phone numalwaysr to my friend's telemarketing company.

征集来自数据库的记录,为一场特殊的电话销售运动提供使用。A collection of records from a database that is used for a specific telemarketing campaign.

里斯特说,可以非常简单,比如咖啡店侍应或是在家做电话营销。It can be as simple as getting a barista gig or doing telemarketing from home, says Ms. Riester.

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就连不到当地平均工资三分之一薪酬的电话销售岗位也迎来了一摞不断增高的简历。One rapidly growing pile is for a telemarketing job paying less than a third of the city’s average wage.

与流行的信念相反,电话推销是招揽生意和建立顾客意识的重要办法。Contrary to popular belief, telemarketing is an excellent way to drum up business and build up customer awareness.

我们的电脑与电话促销软件,我们的电话和电脑一起工作以提供节约成本的好处。With our computer telephony telemarketing software, our telephone and computer work together to provide cost-saving benefits.

一个薪酬只有这座城市平均工资三分之一水平的电话销售职位前人满为患,软件工程师已经成为奢望。One rapidly growing pile is for a telemarketing job paying less than a third of the city’s average wage. The aspirants are software engineers.

对电话销售和营销,进来和出去电话推销一般经过800号免费电话。The use of the telephone to conduct sales and marketing, Incoming and outgoing telemarketing is generally run throught 800 toll-free wats numbers.

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和毫无经验的电话营销相较,如果你有十年的零售业经验,那么你成功的几率会更高。Ten years of retail experience offers much more chance of success than an opportunity based on telemarketing skills, where you have zero experience.

期望对未来电话行销中心的营运以及电话行销系统的发展及跟顾客的关系,能更精实进步。Wish the future telemarketing call center operation and telemarketing system development and the relationship with customer will become more advance.

该国已经成为许多美国公司的电信销售和外包服务中心,并夸下海口,预期到2040年将成为世界第三大经济体。It has become a telemarketing and outsourcing center for many American corporations. By 2040, it is expected to boast the world's third-largest economy.

请提供您的出价,您的电话营销经验,有多少电话你可以处理,每周和每日费用包括一个完整的成本分解。Please give a full break down of costs included in your bid, your telemarketing experience, how many calls you can handle per week, and your DAILY charges.

无论你是电话销售公司的基层经理、小企业主或者世界500强公司的CEO,当老板从来都不简单。Whether you’re the CEO of a fortune 500 company, the owner of a small business or a floor supervisor at a telemarketing firm, being the boss is never easy.

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如果我们有足够的资金,我们打算采取各种营销方式,包括网络广告、电话营销和商业广告。Once we have sufficient funds, we intend to employ various methods of marketing which may include internet advertising, telemarketing and commercial advertisements.

如果在所需的时间框架内成功处理,应积极为公司通过如电话销售等,不同的销售手段来收集更多的会议宴会生意。If all enquiries are being successfully converted within the required timeframe, pro-actively source more Events business through various sales efforts, such as telemarketing.

然而,我很期待随着筹资者们意识到机动设备的资金筹措不只可以电话销售和短消息捐赠,我们可以在今后可以看到更多的类似的活动。However, I expect we’ll see a lot more such campaigns over the coming months as fundraisers realise that mobile fundraising can now go way beyond just telemarketing and SMS donations.