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我觉得还是安装S版更好点!Somethings are better left unsaid !

我记起许多我们没说出的往事。As I recall the many things we left unsaid.

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我想有些话还是不讲的好,还是家和万事兴的好。I think some things are better left unsaid.

生命过于短暂,不要让这些温暖的话埋在心底。Life is too short to leave kind words unsaid.

如果你是任何明智的,你能预测这些没说的事情。If you are any sensible, you can predict these unsaid things.

比尔·布莱德利说黑人和白人之间有太多没有明说的东西。Bill Bradley says too much is going unsaid between blacks and whites.

这些是他说出的话,但他心里还留下更多话没有说。These things he said in words. But much in his heart remained unsaid.

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我承认我都爱做结论啦,一寡代志上好忍咧勿讲。I must admit I've come to the conclusion that some things are better left unsaid.

最痛苦的泪水从坟墓里流出,为了还没有说过的话和还没做过的事。The painest tear shout over graves after the words left unsaid and dids left undone.

坟前洒下的最悲伤的眼泪,是痛悔应说而未说的话和应做而未做的事。The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone.

同样不能忽视这些政策对不受重视行业的负面影响。Left unsaid was the negative impact those policies could have on disfavored industries.

感到困惑又不把事情说出来,从而使世界上平添许多烦恼。Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid.

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吸毒已成娱乐圈潜规则,满文军也是这个大酱缸的牺牲品。Taking drugs has become a unsaid rule in the entertainment circle and Man is the sacrifice.

美联储未说出口的话是,它不想讨论美元问题,而想把问题留给美国财政部。The unsaid is that the Fed does not talk about the dollar, leaving that to the US Treasury.

不过他没有说即使沙特人可以降低汽油和石油价格,他们为什么要这样做呢?Unsaid was the fact that even if the Saudis could reduce gas and oil prices, why would they?

我们都有痛苦和难过的记忆——做了或是没有做的事,说了或是没有说的话。We all carry bitter, discomforting memories of deeds done or undone, and words said or unsaid.

我们都有痛苦和令人难过的记忆——做了或是没有做的事,说了或是没有说的话。We all carry bitter, discomforting memories of deeds done or undone, and words said or unsaid.

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让一些事情不说出来最好的方法就是不去想,或者如果我已经想到,那么就不做停留。The best way to leave things unsaid is to leave them unthought , or if I've thought them, not to dwell on them.

奥巴马含而未露的是,他的政府曾反对该法案中许多最困难的修正案。What Obama left unsaid was that his administration hadargued against many of the toughest amendments in the bill.

当人们说不出该说的话或说了不该说的话时也会发生尴尬。Embarrassment also occurs when people do not or cannot say what should be said, or say things that should have been left unsaid.