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他在很大程度上以纯粹的外表取胜。He gets by largely on pure spiff.

我认为很大程度上是后者。I think it was largely the latter.

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ROA大多针对只读数据。ROA is largely for read-only data.

而这在很大程度上是畅通无阻。And that's largely been unhindered.

这就是脱欧的结果。This is largely a result of Brexit.

这是一项基本无烟的活动。This was a largely smoke-free event.

豪饮则使人再度清醒。And drinking largely sobers us again.

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豪饮则便使人再度清醒。And drinking largely sobers us again.

他的才能主要是自己培养的。His talent was largely self-developed.

这些担忧在很大程度上是没有根据的。These concerns are largely ill-founded.

投资者们都绷紧着神经。Investors have largely held their nerve.

但是,这个R2装置基本不能移动。This R2-unit, though, is largely immobile.

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但是这一说法仍无无证据支持。But the evidence remains largely against it.

古特雷斯说这在很大程度上应归咎于战争冲突。Guterres says conflicts are largely to blame.

整个市场变得停滞不前,死气沉沉。It became largely a static, undynamic market.

减少,原因是美元贬值吗?Lower, largely because the dollar adjustment?

所以我成了大无用的建议者。So I became a largely useless advisor to him.

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他们在很大程度上是自我管理。Zollinger says. 'They largely run themselves.

但是公众的反应却是否定的。But public reaction has been largely negative.

它这样做主要是受到了银行放贷的支持。It did so largely on the back of bank lending.