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昨天我买了一件新的高领绒衣。I bought a new turtleneck yesterday.

他喜好前后反穿他的长领毛衣。He likes to wear his turtleneck backwards.

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他穿着一件高翻领套衫和一件外套。He is wearing a turtleneck sweater and a jacket.

也可以,那你就可以穿牛仔裤和高领毛衣。Yes, you can do that in jeans and a black turtleneck.

好吧,过来看看这件圆领毛衣。Okay, just come here and look at this turtleneck sweater.

她身着蓝色高领紧身衫、蓝色牛仔裤和棕色工作靴。She wore a blue turtleneck jersey, blue jeans and brown work boots.

好吧,过来看看这件圆领毛衣。这是最新款。Okay, just come here and look at this turtleneck sweater. It's a new style.

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他的黑色高领毛衣的领比圆领要高一些,但是又比马球领低一些。His black turtleneck is studiedly more than a round neck, less than a polo neck.

圆领运动衫和毛线衫,以及轻型夹克都是不错的选择。Sweatshirts and sweaters with a turtleneck and a lighter jacket are a good option.

30年之后,乔布斯的做法和兰德如出一辙,除了衣着不同——乔布斯总是穿着标志性的黑色高领衫和蓝色牛仔裤。Three decades later, Jobs would do exactly the same thing, except in a black turtleneck and jeans.

做完包皮手术后,为了节省材料,能把多余的包皮套头上当帽子么?Finish after wrapping operation, to save stuff, can you be duped redundant wrapping turtleneck cap?

如果你需要或是想起我,我会穿着我那件粗糙的毛衣,端着一碗麦片,站在厨房的窗边向外凝视。If you need me, I'll be in my fuzzy turtleneck with a bowl of cereal staring out the kitchen window.

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在70年代早期,斯克雷纳斯基所拍摄的名人,每一个都是身穿宽松的黑色套领毛衣。In the early 1970s, Skrebneski photographed celebri-ties each wearing the same oversized black turtleneck.

在人类情感的衣柜里,愧疚感就是那件小了三号的羊毛套头衫,令人发痒。In the elaborate wardrobe of human emotions, guilt is the itchy wool turtleneck that is three size too small.

他习惯穿着黑色的圆翻领T恤和一条已经穿得很旧的牛仔裤,这也显示了他依旧鄙弃那种公司传统的正式服装。A black mock turtleneck and a well-worn pair of jeans demonstrated his continuing disdain for corporate uniforms.

乔布斯自去年10月一次活动后便再未公开露面,此次他身着自己常穿的黑色套领毛衣和牛仔裤出现在众人面前。Mr. Jobs, who had not been seen publicly since an October event, was clad in his usual black turtleneck and jeans.

宛如美国通信界沙皇的麦可.鲍威尔,穿著羊毛衫及一件中规中矩的暗色高领衫。Michael K. Powell, the nation's communications czar, is dressed in a cardigan sweater and a preppy dark turtleneck.

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身穿他的标志性黑色高领衫和牛仔裤,乔布斯以其超强的企业管理能力和创新精神名闻天下。With his trademark black turtleneck shirt and jeans, Jobs was known a charismatic business leader and an innovator.

他的黑色高翻领和外星人胸章、一件深V领、条纹T恤、紫色弹力牛仔和格子腰带。He's got the black turtleneck with the alien pins, alien pins, stripe T-shirt, his purple stretch jeans a checkered belt.

饰有腰带的翻领针织连衣裙因彩色细条纹设计而尽显独具女人味的休闲情趣。The turtleneck dress is belted and in jersey for a feminine and casual look complemented by the thin multicolour stripes.