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这名百岁人瑞直到他80岁才开始跑步。The centenarian didn't start running until he was 80 years old.

新英格兰百岁老人研究的牵头人汤姆·博斯解释了他们的发现成果。Tom Perls, who heads the New England Centenarian Study, explains what they found.

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那百岁老人那样珍借、那样隐藏的东西究竟是什么宝贝呢?What could that treasure of the centenarian be, which was so precious and so secret?

在冲绳我们最近过世的百岁老人得了感冒后在睡眠中去世了。Our most recently deceased centenarian in Okinawa caught a cold and died in her sleep.

这张位标日期的照片中,是一对结婚将近八十年的人瑞夫妻彼此搂著亲吻。A centenarian couple, married for almost 80 years, hug and kiss in this undated photograph.

这时一种阴森森的变态使这个百岁老人象年轻人一样竖直了身子。Then a sort of sepulchral transformation straightened up this centenarian as erect as a young man.

经历过那个时代的人还健在,并还有着百岁学者之称,这实在有些不可思议。That someone from that era is alive — and blogging as the "Centenarian Scholar" — seems unbelievable.

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仅从遗传学上分析,他们推测研究中的被试者们有很多会成为百岁人。They also predicted using genetics alone many of those among study participants would be a centenarian.

她有着成为百岁老寿星得天独厚的机会,这是多数成为百岁老寿星的人无法比拟的,因为冲绳岛是世界上长寿地区之一。She has a better chance than most of becoming a centenarian because Okinawa is one of the world's hotspots for longevity.

冲绳百岁老人研究显示,这里百岁老人所占的比例可能位居世界首位,约为万分之五。According to the Okinawa Centenarian Study, centenarian ratios may be the world’s highest at approximately 50 per 100, 000 people.

这时一种阴森森的变态使这个百岁老人象年轻人一样竖直了身子。Then a sort of sepulchral transformation straightened up this centenarian as erect as a young man. "Sir, " said he, "you are the doctor.

另外一次,那百岁老人讲故事,她说“在她的青年时代,伯尔纳修士不肯在火枪手面前让步。”On another occasion, the centenarian was telling stories. She said that in her youth the Bernardine monks were every whit as good as the mousquetaires.

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百岁老人在孤儿院里长大,14岁时第一次结了婚。他参加过英国精锐部队的近卫步兵,并参与了第二次世界大战,之后又转到了海军。The centenarian who grew up in an orphanage and first married when he was14 joined the grenadier guards and served in world war ii before switching to the navy.

这桩姻缘能够促成,是因为这位百岁人瑞曾告诉马来西亚的全国性报社,他很寂寞,需要一位女人来照顾他。The unusual wedding has come about as a result of the centenarian telling a Malaysian national newspaper that he was lonely and needed a woman to look after him.

他在六月份的日本田径大师赛中,掷出12.75米的成绩,打破了之前由美国人创造的标枪百岁组世界纪录。His record throw of 12.75 metres, at the Japan Masters Athletics championship in June, shattered the world centenarian javelin record formerly held by an American.

在新英格兰百岁老人研究中许多人即使50年中每天都抽60支之多的香烟,仍在一个世纪中未罹患上癌症或心脏病。Many people in the New England Centenarian Study experienced a century free of cancer or heart disease despite smoking as many as 60 cigarettes a day for 50 years.

广西巴马地区的百岁老人占当地总人口的比例为百万分之308,远远超出世界长寿之乡百万分之75的标准值。The proportion of centenarian in Bama region is 308 millionths of the total population, which is far more than the 75 millionths of the world's longevity criteria.

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据厚生劳动省的一份报告显示,百岁老人中的女性老人占大多数,为85%,其总人数达到24245人,是百岁男性老人的近6倍之多。Women accounted for an overwhelming 85 percent of the centenarian population at 24,245, nearly six times more than the number of men, the ministry said in a report.

据厚生劳动省的一份报告显示,百岁老人中的女性老人占大多数,为85%,其总人数达到24245人,是百岁男性老人的近6倍之多。Women accounted for an overwhelming 85 percent of the centenarian population at 24, 245, nearly six times more than the number of men, the ministry said in a report.

这使得“百岁老人基因组”成为辨识“寿命基因”关键来源,而辨识“寿命基因”是解读长寿之下的生理进程价值非凡的一步。This makes the "centenarian genome" a key resource for identifying "longevity genes", an invaluable step in understanding the physiological processes underlying long lives.