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当纽特处于顺风顺水的势头时,要让他止步是很难的。When he was on a roll, Newt was hard to stop.

斯凯夫的手下还与纽特·金里奇的盟友密切合作。Scaife’s people also worked closely with allies of Newt Gingrich.

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巧合的是,鲍勃.多尔和纽特.金里奇出现在那天的早间新闻节目上。By coincidence, Bob Dole and Newt Gingrich were on the morning news programs.

其他高层候选人有众议院发言人纽特·金里奇。The other candidate in the top bracket is former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

我跟纽特·金里奇开玩笑说,我终于发现一项他反对的减税措施了。I kidded Newt Gingrich that I had finally found a tax cut that he was against.

也就是说,纽特·斯卡曼被霍格沃兹开除了,“因为一只动物危及他人性命”。So Newt Scamander was expelled from Hogwarts for 'endangering human life with a beast'.

纽特·金里奇宣布辞去众议院议长和议员的职务,我们都非常震惊。Newt Gingrich stunned us all by announcing that he was resigning as Speaker and from the House.

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蝾螈的视觉较差,主要依靠嗅觉捕食,以蝌蚪、蛙、小鱼,孑孓、水蚤等为食。Newt visual poor, mainly preying on the sense of smell, fish, Jiejue, Cyclops , such as for food.

比尔·克林顿总统与纽特金里奇所代表的共和党一起平衡预算,创造财政盈余。Bill Clinton worked with Newt Gingrich and Republicans to balance the budget and create surpluses.

从米特·罗姆尼,纽特·金里奇,丹尼尔斯一遍又一遍的提到“创新”。Listen to Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich or Mitch Daniels and the word innovation pops up again and again.

鲍勃·多尔想达成一个协议来使政府重新运作起来,几天之后,纽特·金里奇也想达成某个协议。Bob Dole wanted to make a deal to reopen the government, and after a couple of days so did Newt Gingrich.

现在纽特已把这种“逆行整形手术”的政治艺术提高到一个复杂、令人难以接受的全新水准。Now Newt had taken the art of reverse plastic surgery to a whole new level of sophistication and harshness.

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有一次,美国众议院议长金里奇访问外交学院并做了个演讲。Once Newt Gingrich, speaker of the House in the United States came to visit Foreign Affairs College to make a speech.

肯定会参选的共和党人包括了前众议院议长金里奇和德克萨斯州众议员保罗。Those Republicans definitely in the race include former U.S. House speaker Newt Gingrich and Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

罗姆尼暂时抵抗住其他对手的攻击,久经沙场的金里奇,不容小觑。Romney temporarily withstand the attacks of other opponents, battle-hardened Newt Gingrich, should not be underestimated.

因为,假如他们的力量能够唤起1994年金维奇的中期改革,同样能够唤起他们对小政府的的热情。For if their dynamism is evocative of Newt Gingrich’s mid-term revolution of 1994, so too is their zeal for small government.

纽特·金瑞茨则用文档宣称说中国和印度的小孩的教育水平越来越超过美国了。Newt Gingrich has trumpeted a documentary arguing that Chinese and Indian children are much more academic than American ones.

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倒霉的是,第一代的牛顿在手写辨认和承受方面的表示都是很差。Unfortunconsumedly-the first gener of Newt hproposis very poor handwriting recognition-even as well asre received very poorly.

埃迪将出演魔法动物学家纽特•斯卡曼德,他在游历时遇到并记录了大量的怪兽。Eddie will play magizoologist Newt Scamander, 'who in his travels has encountered and documented a myriad of magical creatures.

实际上,金里奇本想退出竞选,但是负责写退选声明的职员也辞职了。In fact, newt was going to pull out of the race, but today the guy who writes his concession speeches quit. He can't do anything.